LALALA: heh kewl

Saturday, April 01, 2006

heh kewl

eh. damn. i dunno how to get a bgm. crap. dats very important!! argh the Dearly Beloved sounds soooo nice but no, i guess im too stupid to make it my bgm. anyways, i did up the blog template a lil, and yeah it looks a bit better IMO. (for those unaware, IMO stands for in my opinion whereas IMHO stands for in my honest opinion. but then again, if u didnt noe this, u shudnt be here! u arent worthy!! shoo! shoo!!..............April Fools!err nvm)

so well today i had the first GOOD catechism lesson in a while. Well, what happened was, we were assigned to groups of 2 or more people, and in that group, write a letter to some darling Elect that we do not even know, and even say that we have been praying for him/her for sometime. sounds like fun? hell yeah it was!

well to me, anyway. the other people dont know how to have fun--always so serious. BORING! anyways i made a complete mockery of the letter i a nice way =)

it had most of the vital points but it was shielded by load of crap. if u wanted to noe, the ratio of crap to actual holiness was 5:1. great numbers. but the best numbers so far are 4 8 15 16 23 42(if u dun noe wat im talking abt, u arent worthy of being here... april fools again!................ .... ... .. . . . . .)

well my letter should give the Elect i wrote to, a certain Bessie Low, a little of a brain twister for a while, needing to search thru the rubbish to find the words of gold. hope she has fun.

after that, we were given sheets of paper. 1 for each group. guess what? stations of the cross. funfunfun. we then had to write a nice lil prayer for the class. 14 prayers written by teens? funfunfun times two. anyways i wrote a nice lil prayer and i was proud if it. very proud. for details, please find daryl ho ji yi, of marg benedict cheong tuck fai. i do not wish to broadcast my prayer on the web reasons. yeah. thats it.

so we had to stand for wat seemed like forever, repeating:

We adore you O Christ and we bless you

Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.

I wouldnt say dat it was all exciting and interesting, because it wasnt! yeah. i hope my prayer brightened up the Stations. it was like from the heart and watnot.


wanna go edit this stinkhole of a blog now.



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