LALALA: 07_11

Thursday, November 01, 2007

1 + 2 = 3


So, yup, I went for the PLTC meeting today. Did I mention how much fun I had?

Of course I didn't because it was so damn boring. No offence to Ignatius and Yuan Zheng and whoever. It's just that. It was damn boring. And I was uncomfortable cos the LT chairs suck. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. No, don't blame it on your speech or anything, it's just that, um...... hello. How are you doing today.

Well, allow me to (painstakingly) re-enact my day.

I know you rarely hear roosters crow in Singapore but this is MY story, and I saw a rooster was present, dammit. Anyway.

*Rooster crows*

"Yawn~~~. What a beautiful day it is today," said Charles, "GOLLY, it's still so early, maybe I'll go back to sl-"

Then I saw the clock and it was 11 am. This meant I was going to be late. The PLTC meeting would start at 12 nn and according to my complex series of calculations, it would take me thirty to forty minutes to reach school. You might ask, why, then, would I be late? Well, because it is REQUIRED that I lie down in bed for at least half an hour after opening my eyes. It's a self-inflicting bad habit but what you gonna do.

So, at 11.30 am, I got out of bed and went into the toilet because that's what normal people do. For all those saying that I'm not normal and stuff, well, err, my daily morning activities do not concern you. Bye bye. I hate you and I don't ever wanna see you again! Please don't talk to me. I rock, you stone. Talk to the hand. It's like stealing candy from a baby (in the spirit of Halloween). Two peas in a pod. Add fuel to the fire.

Oh, I can go on and on. So I shall. Pull up your socks. Cry over spilt milk. Bury the hatchet. Bridge over troubled water. A rolling stone collects no moss. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Kill two birds with one stone. Spill the beans.

OMG THAT WAS SO FUN! *insert gay smiley face here*

Well, anyway I reached school at around 12.15 and I was late. WOW BIG surprise there! So I went into the LT expecting a large number of people, impossible to count, but instead I was greeted, no, wait, I wasn't even greeted, damn it, by a group of maybe less than twenty people. Well Ignatius was going through the PLTC schedule and I won't say it was boring, but it was very standard. It was even in the same format. Nothing against that, of course, I'm just stating.

Then you see my eyelids started to grow heavy as my body began to feel more weary and i decided to close my eyes. Oh, if I had fallen asleep I would have been so damn happy but no I couldn't cos I was uncomfortable. I just can't sleep sitting down, you see!

Actually, I did sleep sitting down, once. I was at the bus stop waiting for Brother Edward to open the back gate of the school. It was early in the morning and raining so it was really cozy, alright? Anyway Dannel came along and I said hi. ^^

A while later Brother opened the gate and oh, guess what, Jefferson and Jonas were already inside! They didn't help to open the gate for me. =(

Eh, damn I'm talking about the wrong day.

Well, yes I was so bored today so time went by REALLY slowly. If only I could bend time and space. Then hell yeah I'd have a lot of fun! Imagine, I could sleep as long as I want to but still be early for school and stuff. And if I wanted to I could rule the world!

Anyway so then we were assigned to call the guys from our group because the form conveniently failed to mention what time they were supposed to get to school in the first place. Then Jefferson, feeling all mean and stuff because I called him cute yesterday when I was bored while waiting for party quest, decided to ask me to handle a whole another group. I would have said no and went home and cried like some dog or some such but then he is part of the OT and it is only right that I do whatever he assigns me. So, I saved the defiance and tears for another part of my life. Which is yet to come. Eek.

Then we all decided to leave. YZ asked me to go basketball with him but I suggested shopping instead. Then I changed my mind realising my lack of a certain paper substance in this thing I call my wallet.

Then all of a sudden he was like "Hey do you wanna go Penin and go buy tapered pants?" I was kinda taken aback at the suggestion.

Then, probably noticing the look of shock on my face, he added, " Not today, la. Some day, I call Sajiv (why him? No idea.) then we all go Penin go buy tapered pants."

If Ben heard me agree he would have sliced my head off. With his bare fists or something, muttering, "I'd rather kill you now than let you go over to the Mud side." I would be quite touched at his kind intentions if I was still alive.

Then I went home and the end hur hur.
