LALALA: 06_09

Friday, September 22, 2006

er... marvins survery thingy

1.Full name:- Charles Edmond Tan Yan Zhi
2. Name backwards:- ihz nay nat dnonde selrahc
3. Were you name after someone?- dun think so
4. Meaning of name:- dunno
5. Nickname:- cetyz
6. Screen name:- cetyz or twistertorn
7. D.O.B:- 22 Nov 1992
8.Hospital you were born in:- Mt. Elizabeth
9. Nationality:- Singaporean
10. Current location:- My room which is shared :(
11. Star Sign:- scorpio/ sagittarius
12. Religon:- Catholic
13. Height:- 166 or 167cm
14. Weight:- 59kg
15. Shoe size:- 11
16. Hair color-multicoloured, mostly brown and black
17. Eye color:- brown
18. Who do you look like:- My mother i think
19. Innie or outtie:- innie.... whatever that means
20. Lefty or righty:- righty
21. Gay, straight, bi or others:- straight.
22. Best friends- not applicable. i emo loner
23. Best friends you trust most:- not applicable
24. Favourite pals:- er... no idea
25. Best friend of opposite sex-nicole
26. Best buddies:- bryan josh daryl
27. Boyfriend or girlfriend:- er well i dont want a boyfriend as stated above im not gay
28. Crush:- not applicable
29. Parents:-i dont understand the question.
30. Worst Enemy:- im a kind friendly person no enemies
31. Favourite online guy:- er...?
32. Favourite online girl:- ??
33. Cutest oppo sex friend:- i no friends i emo loner
34. Craziest friend:- marvin
35. Advice friend:- nicole
36. Loudest friend:-joachim
37. Person you cry with:- despite my emotism i dont cry
38. Any sisters:- no
39. Any brothers:- 2
40. Any pets:- a dog, a rabbit, a pond with some fish
41. Any disease:- some sinus crap
42. Pager:- i dunno how a pager works. and no.
43. Personal phone line:- no thanks
44. Cell phone:- n70
45.Larva Lamp:- i believe you mean lava lamp. and how exactly do i descrebe lava lamps? bright?
46. Pool or hot tub:- Pool
47. A car:- yes
48. Your personality:- nice
49. Driving:- professional
50. Car you want:- i already own one
51. Room:- dont get the question
52. What's missing:- errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr?
53. School:- st pats
54. Bed:- Single only...
55. Relationship with parents:- good?
56. Believe in yourself:- yes!!!!!!!!!
57. Believe in love at first sight:- nah
58. Good listener:- maybe
59. Get along well with parents:- Do u have short term memory loss???? Question 55!!!!!!!
60. Save e-mail convos:- actually................yes
61. Pray:- yeah
62. Believe in reincarnation:- lol sk!!!!!!!!!!! too much dota....................................
63. Make fun of people:- no im nice. unless MBCTF is counted.....
64. Like to talk on the phone:- not too long.... radiation and all that crap....
65. Want to get married:- yes plz
66. Like to drive:- like i said im a professional =)
67. Motion Sickness:- never
68. Eat stem of broccoli:-YES! omgwtfbbqps3x360!
69. Eat chicken with fork:- and spoon, as far as possible
70. Dream in color:- well my dreams arent in black and white.....
71. Type with your fingers on home role:-HUH wad nonsense???
72. Sleep with stuff animals:- maybe.................not
73. Next to you:- no one
74. On the walls of your room:- i dont have a room
75. On your mousepad:- i dun own a mousepad
76. Your dream car:- i already own my dream car
78. Dream honeymoon spot:-dunnoz
79. Dream husband or wife:- not applicable. yet.
80. Bedtime:-12+
81. Under your bed:- laptop
82. Single most important question:- hows life?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
83. Bad time of the day:- er?
84. Your worst fear:- plants
85. The weather is:- Fine same asusual
86. Time:- 3.59pm
87.Date:- 22 September 2006
88.Best trick did on someone:-no tricks la..... =)
89. Theme song:- power to the people
90. Hardest thing about growing up:- im not tall enough
91. Funniest experience:- dunnooooooooooo
92. Scariest experience:- cant remember
93. Silliest thing you have ever said:- I cant remember and i doubt i wanna remember it
94. Most desperate and funniest thing you have done to get the opposite sex:- not applicable
95. Scariest thing while you are with your friends:- bryan. hes evil
96. Worst feeling:- dunnos
97. Best feeling in the world:- the aircon smell when u just switch it on
98. And now choose 3 people to do this:- benjamin, jerome, mark

Number 2 ( i hope it isnt soooo long as the last)
01)What is your gender?- Male
02)What is your age?- 13+
03)Do you think that your age is suitable for a relationship and why?- nah
04)Are you a single or attached?- single
05)Are you Crushing? -nopes
06)Which IDOL you want to date with and WHY?- er dunno
07)Name your class two RUMOURED couples.- min jie and er..... dunno. hehe joking we're not gays
08)Do you think someone likes you now?- nope
09)How do you feel when someone likes you but you dont like that person?- dunno no one likes me
10)What age then you want to be married?- dunnozz
11)Who you want to steal things from and what would you steal?- im not a thief:)
12)What kind of stead do you want to get?- er... this survey so personal... a smart one?
13)Be Honest, how many crushes you have when you step into education?- 1

Now you have answer all the questions, choose 5 of your friends to answer this questions. You have to Tagged them to let them know.-ben, jerome, mark, oliver, mitch

okay just fyi i was kidding abt all emo parts stated above.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Hello everyone. I just came home from BKQ or Bible Knowledge Quiz and well I decided to post. Well here's how it goes.

-- == 080906 Friday 0900HRS == --
I woke up. =)

Well anyways then I packed my bag as I was too lazy to do so the night before. Anyway I left my house and I was already going to be late. But I didn't care. The Legion is very slack and coming like 1hour late wouldn't really mean a thing.

So I waited like ten minutes for the bus then I got on. Coincidentally, I met Mark on the bus. So yeah I received a call from Bryan saying the door was locked. A BELL, ANYONE??? But nevermind I didn't think of it either. So Mark and I met him around the tennis courts and we tried to sneak past the security guard... for fun. Which was stupid cos he found us anyway. Nevermind, we told him our purpose and he let us through.

We cut through the canteen and because Bryan said the door was locked, we resorted to going by the other side, which in actual fact is a door at the other side, just by the Brothers' carpark. We rang the bell and after a while Bro Jeff came and let us in and led us to Parmenie. Apparently, Ben and Chris and Solomon were already there..... doing housework. So I helped by like mopping a bit of the floor for like two minutes. My job was done. I din complain la do work finish ask for more for wat...

Anyway, Singlish aside, we all sat at the bunch of seats near the statue. Just saying, but I find that statue rather creepy. The face la. A bit something wrong. Like disfigured... but I digress. As I was saying, we all sat around there and we discussed our schedule for the day. We didn't really stick to it though, but nevermind. No one got hurt or anything.

So yeah we Bibled a bit before lunch. Then we went opposite and I tried the fish soup that Bryan insisted on me trying. So I tried it, I mean, I've been eating chicken rice the past few days already. Just try something new la...

I asked Ben to order for me because Bryan was scaring me that she would bombard me with chinese questions. I mean a master at the language so why risk it? Anyway, I tried it and it was good la. But then I thought there was too much milk put in. Kinda did something to my brain. Anyway I drank two glasses of water, and strangely I had brain and lung freeze. It was cold la, okay??

Then we went to 7-11 and then I got a tube of Mentos, the freshmaker. Benjamin suggested that Bryan drink coke with a Mentos in his mouth. So he went ahead and... oh well. We walked back to Parmenie and then erms... we Bibled somemore... I think. Can't remember.

Anyway, after mass I went for my Uncle's Bday and then I went back to Parmenie at around 9.30... We read through the commentary briefly and Mark died. We couldn't do anything about it. He just left us.

So then we left his lifeless body on the sofa and we went to check out our new beds. It seemed dusty to me but I'll talk about that later. We left the room and we took a look at the lifeless piece of meat lying on the sofa. I could have sworn I overheard Bryan telling Benjamin that he wanted to poke his eyes just to make sure. But I was the hero and I stopped them.

Solomon started to do a weird dance to honour his death, and we all joined in, although we didn't know the steps. It was instinct. After about 2 minutes of non-stop dancing, a pillar of fire fell down upon his body, breaking through the roof.

We shielded our eyes and took a step backwards. "He's on fire!", I heard Michael say.

The heat was so intense that the PVC sofa was starting to melt. We all threw roses at his body, and the roses burnt up. But duh, obviously. Anyway, after about 5 minutes, the pillar of fire retracted into the heavens and we all heard a voice.

"Nice dance guys. Mark will rest in peace, I assure you. Because your dance was like a prayer that was asking for Mark's body to be at rest."

"Nono, that's not it," said Solomon, " dancing is fun la!"

"Despicable!" said the voice, and immediately all the hair on Solomon's head fell off. "LOL", said the voice. We all laughed alongside the voice, and at that moment Brother Edward walked in.

"Hello", said he. The few of us alive and with hair explained what was happening. Brother said, "WELL, these things happen. You all did the dance, didn't you?"

We all nodded, unsure whether it was a scolding or a praise. Brother clapped his hands and Solomon's hair regrew in seconds. **It was this trick that would in the future ruin Yun Nam Hair Care**

Solomon gave thanks and the voice scowled.

"The hair cut is for your own good!" said the voice, which was true, as Solomon's hair would eventually cause him to get called out during assembly. How do I know this? Well, I'm psychic.

Anyway, that's not what really happened. What really happened was so boring that I didn't wanna write it down. So, yes, readers. Mark is still alive. So blah blah we took a shower, did homework, went to sleep... blah blah.

Oh yes, about the dusty bed. I slept with a shirt over my face and then at 4 am I went out of the air con and I actually slept better. Amazing huh?

Anyway yeah we woke up, ate breakfast and we went to SJI. As usual we lost, yada yada yada.

The END! =)
