LALALA: 07_03

Thursday, March 29, 2007

since i allowed marvin to frame me.......

Took from Marvin. Obviously, our answers will be very different.

1.The song you've been most singing toyourself recently?- Let there be peace on earth. =)
2. What do you currently want rightnow?-M! but cannot lah.
3. What did you do today?- a lot of things. choir practice and tuition were the more not routine ones
4. Are you hungry? What would youlike?- french fries from macs.
5. What have you been thinking aboutmost today?- the JEFFERSON, so cute.............. and then reminding myself i'm straight. =)
6. Do you ever just sit outside andwatch the stars?- once at the sec3 camp
7. What is your current annoyance?- physics homework.
8. Do you want a new cell phone?- yes.
9. Are you waiting for someone rightnow?-not really..
10. Name one thing you’re lookingforward to this week?- acies and can see N again whee.
11. Can you make new friends easily?- pretty much.
12. What would you do if your bestfriend turned gay?- i don't have a best friend boohoo.
13. Do you plan out what you wear theday before you wear it?- erm no my uniform is kinda compulsory.
14. What is music to you?- noise. just kidding.
15. Have you ever fallen for your bestfriend?- is best friend closest friend? if so then a little bit, yeah.
16. If you had a chance to savesomeone significant to you, would you? yes.
17. How many times do you eat eachday?- 4 i think..
18. How do you cheer someone up?- i suck at cheering people up! dammit!!
19. Are you a morning person?- no i always feel dead.
20. Is it easier for you to fallasleep or to be woken up?- fall asleep.
21. Think of one person, stick withit. you don’t have to say their name.Would you pick them up stranded 100plus miles away if it was yourbirthday?- pick them up as in? drive? cos u gotta admit 100+ miles is a long way....................................
22. Has your best friend ever hurtyour feelings?- no best friend ftw. =)
23. Give two reasons why you getdistracted in class.- the JEFFERSON SO CUTE OMG and the making fun of mbctf. really gonna cause me to fail.
24. Do you think it’s funny whenpeople get hurt?- no it's sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless its like giap xuan.
25. If you had to guess, how do youthink you're gonna turn out in life?- i think i'm gonna turn out fine. and regarding questions 5 and 23, I'm not gay no worries.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

nothing to blog about....

I have nothing to blog about, which is why I haven't made a post in almost a month.

Hmm let me see. I finally got to play DotA after like a week. Er... yesterday I played with Abel and his bros, Farhan, Huang, etc.etc.

First game rocked! It was AREM and I got Meepo! How fortunate.

The other team had alchemist, venomancer, clinkz and treant proc.

I got my stuff, took the bottom lane and laned with veno. Normally I would have been cursing and swearing (inside my head) but it was Abel's noobier brother, so I didn't really care.

( And now, for some reason, I shall tell the story in a first person from the Main Meepo's point of view)

I had difficulty laning with the venomancer. At the other lanes, my partners Viper and Darkterror were doing fine. For me, it was difficult. Every time I approached, or at least try to approach, a creep to deny or last hit, a blast of poison would be shot at my face. The poison would burn me, crippling my ability to move, as well at the same time hurt my health slowly. Like smoking.

Things changed when I became stronger and reached a higher level. I learnt how to create a clone of myself, although imperfect. I had only the knowledge to create a single clone, however, but that felt more than enough. I had the ability to see through the eyes of two people, splitting my focus into half.

I left my clone at the lane and I returned to base. I could still gain experience from what my clone was learning. It was a connection we had. A blessing, and a curse. Earlier, I had learnt how to teleport myself to any other clone using the power over the earth I had. Supposing we were very similar, I assume we have the same abilities. After getting my Headdress (which looks real girly) and my Buckler (which looks stupid) and my Boots of Speed, I teleported to my clone. I named the ability "Poof", because I thought it was a cute name. Now there were two of us. The venomancer had to fall.

I initiated by throwing a net which pinned the targets caught within to the ground. "Earthbind", would be an interesting yet cool name, seeing as the targets were, well, binded to the Earth. My clone and I began to repeatedly hit the venomancer, which was trying to fight back. Our target tried to escape after realising the fighting back was futile. We chased as far as we could, till the first Scourge tower of the bottom lane. Then I realised it, my clone's health was low! The now dying venomancer noticed this too. Lasale turned around with a valiant hope of killing my clone.

"Bad move," thought I, and the both of us butchered him. However, my clone had been fatally poison by what the venomancer called a Shadow Strike. "It's okay, it didn't hit me," thought I, when suddenly, my vision went black. I had died.

Okay that's like how the first few minutes of hte game went. After that, I was the first to reach lvl 25 and I soloed the first Roshan and killed Tree just in his base.

Now I'm gonna play another game.
