LALALA: since i allowed marvin to frame me.......

Thursday, March 29, 2007

since i allowed marvin to frame me.......

Took from Marvin. Obviously, our answers will be very different.

1.The song you've been most singing toyourself recently?- Let there be peace on earth. =)
2. What do you currently want rightnow?-M! but cannot lah.
3. What did you do today?- a lot of things. choir practice and tuition were the more not routine ones
4. Are you hungry? What would youlike?- french fries from macs.
5. What have you been thinking aboutmost today?- the JEFFERSON, so cute.............. and then reminding myself i'm straight. =)
6. Do you ever just sit outside andwatch the stars?- once at the sec3 camp
7. What is your current annoyance?- physics homework.
8. Do you want a new cell phone?- yes.
9. Are you waiting for someone rightnow?-not really..
10. Name one thing you’re lookingforward to this week?- acies and can see N again whee.
11. Can you make new friends easily?- pretty much.
12. What would you do if your bestfriend turned gay?- i don't have a best friend boohoo.
13. Do you plan out what you wear theday before you wear it?- erm no my uniform is kinda compulsory.
14. What is music to you?- noise. just kidding.
15. Have you ever fallen for your bestfriend?- is best friend closest friend? if so then a little bit, yeah.
16. If you had a chance to savesomeone significant to you, would you? yes.
17. How many times do you eat eachday?- 4 i think..
18. How do you cheer someone up?- i suck at cheering people up! dammit!!
19. Are you a morning person?- no i always feel dead.
20. Is it easier for you to fallasleep or to be woken up?- fall asleep.
21. Think of one person, stick withit. you don’t have to say their name.Would you pick them up stranded 100plus miles away if it was yourbirthday?- pick them up as in? drive? cos u gotta admit 100+ miles is a long way....................................
22. Has your best friend ever hurtyour feelings?- no best friend ftw. =)
23. Give two reasons why you getdistracted in class.- the JEFFERSON SO CUTE OMG and the making fun of mbctf. really gonna cause me to fail.
24. Do you think it’s funny whenpeople get hurt?- no it's sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless its like giap xuan.
25. If you had to guess, how do youthink you're gonna turn out in life?- i think i'm gonna turn out fine. and regarding questions 5 and 23, I'm not gay no worries.



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