LALALA: supposed to be 50 but only got 47. oh well.

Friday, February 23, 2007

supposed to be 50 but only got 47. oh well.

Okay so I stole this from someplace. And yup here goes!

1. How tall are you barefoot? Er... 167 I think.

2. Have you ever smokedheroin? No.

3. Do you own a gun? toy one ya

4. Who's your best friend? I don't know.

5. Do you get nervous before"meeting the parents"? When I meet then I'll tell you.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? They rock.

7. What's your favorite Christmas song? most of them are fine.

8. What do you prefer todrink in the morning? water

9. Can you do push ups? yes

10. Is your bathroom clean? clean enough =)

11. What's your favoritepiece of jewelry? hmm. i don't know.

12. Do you like painkillers? haven't tried yet

13. What is your secret weapon to lurein the opposite sex? sex bomb!

14. Do you own a knife? not really. it's kinda a family kitchen knife...

15. Do you have A.D.D.? no. but herman does.

16. Middle Name? edmOnd. not edmUnd ar thanks.

17. Name 3 thoughts atthis exact moment? 1.N going for curia? 2.What to write for 3... 3.Social studies gone case.

18. Name the last 3 thingsyou have bought:Food, food, and food.

19. Name 3 drinks youregularly drink:1.Water 2.Water 3. water

20. What time did you wakeup today? 6.15am

22. Current worry? how to talk to M

23. Current hate? No hate lar.... =)

24. Favorite place to be? home i guess.

25. Least favorite placeto be? er. some boring place...

26. Where would you liketo go? meet N

27. Do you own slippers? actually no...

28. What shirt are you wearing? some cheap skate t-shirt.

30. Favorite color(s)? WHITE AND PURPLE!!!

31. Would you be a pirate? the type on the ships like Jack Sparrow? sry no.

32. Last time you had an alcoholicdrink? CNY time...

33. What songs do you singin the shower? all the easy to sing songs.

35. What's in your pocketsright now? nothing

36. Last person that madeyou laugh? royston

37. Best bed sheets you hadas a child? my bedsheets not nice lar...

38. Worst injury you'veever had? cannot remember. thankfully.

40. How many TVs do you own? 3

41. Who is your loudestfriend? yi kai

42. Who is your most silentfriend? joshua

43. Does someone have acrush on you? if only i knew.

44. Do you wish on shootingstars? never see shooting star before. but if i did, yes.

45. What is your favoritebook? harry potter

46. What is your favoritecandy? chocolate. milk chocolate is fine...

47. What song do/did youwant played at your wedding? the common one...

48. What song do you wantplayed at your funeral? Helena. lmao. kidding. =)

49. What were you doing? finding surveys to steal.

50. What was the Firstthing you thought of whenyou woke up? 5 more minutes

here it is!



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