LALALA: My Educational Career pt1

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Educational Career pt1

I wanted to do this post on Thursday but then I got impatient (and bored) so I decided to do it today. And by the way if I feel bothered I'll add to my posts colours!! Whee.

Okay these are the subjects I'm taking.

chSocial Studies

e = elementary
cs = combined science
ch = combined humanities
E = elective

(the legend just to make it seem cooler)

I have yet to sit for my physics and biology exam which are coming out tomorow and on thursday respectively.

This is what I expected for eMaths:


But in the end I got some crap like:

3^(n+1) = 8^x

No la just kidding I can't remember the exact thing... But you get the idea. In some sums there were more alphabets than numerals. It felt like English. Which was sad because if I don't understand English then my life is over. Thankfully I held together and I did not submit to throwing myself of a flat at 11-storeys. So for those people who want me gone, too bad.

On a happier note, history kinda went okay. You see I was supposed to study at 9 yesterday but my friend asked me to start 15 mins earlier but then I don't really like studying. But to keep my word I studied anyway. In front of the laptop. I love you, laptop. =) But yes, I studied anyway!

There was a whole lot of nonsense inside the textbook. Like President Wilson's 14 points for something. I can't remember. 14 points for treaty-designing I think. I wouldn't know because I only remembered the first point, that being there should be no secret treaties. Clemenceau fails.

Then I remember some like.... page... with a... map... ARGH the memories!!! Okay a map's a map. The thing was, there we tons of words on it. Which made things effectively more difficult. Grr.

I could not remember everything so I continued looking around and I found a lovely page with 4 points! I memorised, them too! And I was so lucky!! The four points came out for the Structured Essay Question! Whee thaaaaanks N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because of this I might actually pass!

yeah okay that's it for now. Good luck to the rest of the guys!



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