LALALA: im kinda satisfied.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

im kinda satisfied.

Well, because I finally got MP3s for the blog! It used to be MIDI and that could like go on my Bro's lame shit phone. (Which is also Steven's phone, FYI). Anyway, yes, I finally got it MP3, but there is a problem. For me, it's okay, but for others with a slower internet connection, the music might cut, and continue, and cut, continue. Fortunately, this would only happen the first playthrough. When it playsback, it shouldn't cut again.

So, if you are reading this and the music cuts, don't worry, it shouldn't cut too much, unless, no offence, your internet connection sucks. Speaking of connections, MBCTF's connections sucks.

Has he no friends in Singapore to tell him that Taylor won American Idol? I mean, even if he HAS no friends, which is quite a possibility, considering his height and whatnot, the New Zealand Newspaper should state who won. After all, American Idol is quite a big deal. Okay, even if the NZ newspapers didn't say so, I'm quite certain his mom has friends who would keep her updated. Or, maybe her friends DID update her, but then she realised what kind of a person Tuck is a refused to share with him her new found knowledge.

Anyways, proof of Tuck's stupidity came in a form of a photograph, Bryan to whom I give credit for. Bravo. Caught that little bugga in the act. Apparently, Tuck thought that Katharine won, he so claims "Taylor should have won American Idol. I hate Katharine. She SUX!". Trying to use short form and PHAILING miserably, he just made a fool of himself. Poor sucker. Looks like it's Fission Mailed for you, Tuck.

And why, oh why does Katharine suck? I think she's pretty good. And she's pretty too. Now, now readers, my heart still belongs to Ellen, but it's true, Katharine's pretty. So WHY does he think she, in his words, "SUX"???

There are several possibilities, all which a probable, yet insanely impossible. However, everything's possible for our GOOD FRIEND Tuck, right? =)

Possibility One: "I hate everyone. I 'ROX', therefore, if I hate everyone, they definitely 'SUX'."
Reasoning/Counters: Well, yes, Tuck would say that. I can almost imagine it. Well he definitely thinks he "ROX", as he really likes his violin, as he is very "PRO" at it. Well to each his own, my friend. If you think you violin playing is the best, so be it, but if you fail as a Musician, don't cry, as no one will be there to lend you a shoulder to cry on anyway. Why else would he think he "ROX"? Possibly because of his height. He's probably thinking, "Yo, everyone's always dissing me because of my height, but you know why I don't care? Cause I'm an optimist! Yep! To me, I'm just unique!" Well, if you say so, Tuck. But my readers, I'm sure we all know otherwise: he's a freak. Ah, yes, why this possibility is not very probable, because, if he thought that everyone sucked, he would not have wanted Taylor to win. Instead he would have wanted to win himself. Also, if that was the case, he wouldn't like Natalie. So, let's think about this possibility.


Possibility Two: "Katharine is so freaking ugly! That's why she 'SUX'!"
Reasoning/Counters: Well, fair argument, as everyone has their own opinion. But then, even is he found her unattractive, that's no reason to say that she "SUX". It's just not fair. Is he judging a book by it's cover? WHY HOW COULD YOU, TUCK!? I always thought you were a very fair person, always thinking about people's strength's instead of their looks. Well, speaking of looks, she IS pretty, and for him to say that she was ugly would mean he has real bad taste. But then again, who said he had "good" taste? (Sorry, Natalie..) Okay, let's take this possibility into account.

Possibility Three: An outburst of craziness.
Reasoning/ Counters: Ah, a possibility that really should be considered. I mean, there have been cases where Tuck LASHED out at friends and friends alike, possibly losing them in the process. Your, Honour, I'd like to call my first witness to the stand.

Charles: Mr Teo, how exactly did Tuck "lash" out in madness?
Robin: Well, he turned over tables and went into a MAD RAGE! Nothing could stop him! It was madness! Children were crying!
Charles: Oh? Is that so? Do you realise that purgery is an offence?!
Robin: Fine... Fine... what really happened was... He turned over tables and even strangled someone... Can't remember who. Was it me? Perhaps...
*Turning to the Judge* Charles: No further questions, Your Honour.

So, this is another very probable reason, so let's just leave it as that. As for the one true reason why he wrote that, only he will know. And, hopefully, only time will tell.

Thank you.



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