Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hello there. Interested in playing a game? No? Too bad. Anyway here's how it goes. First let me say this game is VERY DIFFICULT!

Here goes: Find Mark Benedict Cheong Tuck Fai.

Sounds easy right? I mean considering that he's Sec 2 and these are all Primary 5 people. Well, down here Mark fits right in the picture. He's among his "brethren" so called. Found him?

Answer: He's setting up the projector.
I told you it was difficult.

Anyways let me say that I had a great time at DLS School, or those who don't know, De La Salle School. Great as in not bad.

Here's how the day began. I woke up and brushed teeth and whatnot, but you don't wanna know about that. So I shall just say that once I reached St. Pat's, I walked up the staircase to meet Ben, Mark and Low outside the Chapel. After about 5 mins, Bryan arrived and Brother came out of the quarters. We squeezed into the car and we headed to OLPS church.

At OLPS, we met up with Auntie Eva, Mr Xavier and Mrs Xavier. We forced Mark to their car because we wanted to enjoy the car ride to DLS but with Mark in the car, such a wish would never happen.

I can't really remember what happened during the ride there, but eventually we arrived and we proceeded straight away to the AV Room. We breathed a sigh of relief. Air-con. I'm not saying that the cr wasn't enough air-con or anything but well, you know air-con, you can never have too much of it. Soon the people started pouring in. I wouldn't call them children, as most of them looked rather teenish. There were 70+ of them, but it was nothing we couldn't handle. Cos well, there was nothing to handle.

Opening the retreat, Brother decided to rehearse a few songs. Mark deserted and stood at the back of the room whilst Ben, Bryan, Low and I stood at one of the corners in front. The first song was "Lord We Lift Your Name On High" and Mark as the first to start singing. Well, screw singing, he was practically putting on a show back there.

Since he was such a good entertainer, I suggested to Brother, why don't we ask Mark to sing he next song? I mean, he can like throw in some of his antics. Like Mr. Bean or something.

Brother called Mark center stage and Mark willingly obliged. The music came on and... ... ...


He was singing so well. Ok perhaps I'm just kidding. =D

Well he wasn't stingy with the emotion! I could have cried because of all the drama. but I didn't as it would be stupid.

Previously, we had given out star stickers with the four colours: Orange, Yellow, Green and Pink. Little did I know at the time, the stickers were actually assigning them into groups.

I took Group 2, the Orange group, and I think I made the right choice. I mean, they were rather cooperative. We headed to the first station, Auntie Eva's station, and she talked about being a King. Not royalty, but King in the sense of being a leader.

Next, it was the Prayer Room, Mrs Xavier's station. I was asked to light candles and give out papers. She talked about the role of being a Priest.

Then, it was recess so the facils had breakfast. Then, it was Mr Xavier's turn and he talked about being a member of a community.

Then it was Brother's station and he talked about the role of a Prophet. But before this station, a very incredible thing happened.

It went like this. You see, Mr Xavier's Station finished early so Mark asked us to wait outside Brother's station as the group inside was not done yet. Mark decided to say "Why don't we have a talk?" I was like shaking my head, fearing the chaos that would follow.

He started to talk and then, after some lame speech, he asked, "Any questions?"... Then some guy asked him "how old are you?". Mark replied, "14", smiling. Then some girl, Chelsie I think, or Eunice asked "THEN WHY ARE YOU SO SHORT?" I immediately burst out in tears. TEARS OF LAUGHTER!! His dignity now at a rock bottom, he said, "Well, Because." and just left it as that.

After that little episode, it was time for us to enter the room.

Like I said, Brother spoke about the role of a Prophet, and then after that, it was time to go to the prayer room again!

-- Prayer Room : Revisited --

Ah yes after that very spy-ish intro, we came back to the Prayer room.

We were asked to sing some songs like the ones we pratised earlier. Then, we had to tell a story about either a King, Prophet, Communityman, or Priest. For some reason, brother wanted to give us another introduction. And this, I say, was the funniest part of the day...

Mark was busy fixing the projector and laptop among the P5 people. Brother said "These five boys are going to tell us a little something of they're own experience as a Prophet, King, Priest of Communityman."Well it went something along those lines. Then he said "Hey? Why are there only four of you?" lokking a little confused.

Mark then put up his stubby hands and Brother said," Oh, there you are."

HA LOL that shows how short Mark is. Anyways, yeah. That was kinda what happened at the retreat. For further details, I'm sure Benjamin has put up a post on this. You can go check it out.

Oh yeah. I wasn't being totally honest about why I chose group 2. Let me tell you why I REALLY chose group 2... in code.


Hey good luck.



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