LALALA: 07_01

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

another survey

I got this off the net so yeah.

What's in your wallet?money and other sentimental items
What's under your bed?nothing now...
What's on that way top shelf or in the very far back of your closet?clothes.
What's in your underwear drawer?my underwear.
What's in the trunk of your car?a body.
What's in your desk or locker?a death note.
Do you have a super-secret hiding place and what's in it?no i don't. so there's nothing in it.
Do you feel guilty about something right now, if yes what?yes. pissed off the combined humanities teacher. actually we all did, didn't we?
What is the most embarassing thing in your room right now?my bolster. so cute. =)
Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about?yesh.
What is your last thought before you fall asleep?how do i get a star?
How long have those leftovers been in the fridge?days.
If I confiscated your computer and took a look around....what would I find?many things
Do you sleep with anything?bolster, purple pillow, pokemon pillow
What is your midnight snack weakness?anything. mostly potato chips.
Have you ever you shop lifted?i've friend-lifted =)
Have you ever vandalized anything?yes
Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?yes. although it was that pale now that i think of it
What do you wait until no one is looking to do?hmm. good question. gotta think about this.
Have you told the truth in this survey?not really.

feel free to copy and do on ur own blog.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Wahaha. I i got two new contacts on MSN yesterday. Abel and John P. Whee now I actually have more classmates in my contact list. =)

And oo Kimberly and I actually started talking. She's not saying one word sentences anymore. =)

Anyway now I do my duty like a good prefect should. [In italics not because of sarcasm but emphasis]

Like seriously la. I don't go to Slack Central! As often.

As I used to.

It's nice to know that the club I created is still standing though. =)

Anyway as we speak I'm writing an AntiMage guide. =) No, I'm not going to post it at the forums but just here at my blog. Also, I'm gonna find a nicer skin. I'm bored of my current one. Very bored. Very very bored. EDIT: SKIN SEARCHING PHAILED.

Btw Josh I'm not two-timing I'm not even one-timing. =) Thanks for your understanding. =)


Monday, January 29, 2007

ee yuck agm


Haha no need to congratulate me, I know I've earned it.

Well, for one thing, I don't do duty. *crowd cheers*

BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! *crowd becomes silent*


Of course, allow me to explain what Slack Central is. I'll refer it to SC from now on. Okay, I am the president of the SC. It all started when I was bored during prefect duty during recess. I asked Shawn Huang to follow me and then we went to Joshua's duty post. Kiely staircase: right at the end of the school.

So, we now had 4 members. Then, I got Scott and then Matthew soon came along. What SC is is well basically a group of prefects who have nothing better to do. Well, we do have something better to do, but er. Nevermind. We just hang out there. We are a group who keep a look out for each other. If any of the Excos come to find trouble, we have each other's backs. THANKS ALOT, SLACK CENTRAL!

Well, of course, I did not manage to achieve this on my own. No, no. Credit will be given where credit is due. Yes.

Firstly! JOSHUA. Thanks ar let me slack at your duty post. Then just on the day when I ask you to come to MY duty post, you say no. Then Dickson come and talktalktalk. Well, don't worry. As you can remember, I chose my words carefully so as to prevent you from winning that wonderful letter of warning. Also, my DotA talk-to at SC.

Then we have Shawn Huang. Haha it's because we were both bored that I decided to create the SC. So, if not for you, SC might still have been born but we would have had one member less. OR not. I would have roped you in anyway.

Hmm. Scott. Ya la liar like hell. Saved me from Ricardo once I believe. Thanks.

ARGHHHHHHHHH that's all thanks bye. =)


Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hey guyyyyyyyysssssssssssssssssssssssssss!

I'm only posting this for the sake of posting it. I havent posted since the new year and that's like damn lame.

Anyway I need a subject, right? So yeah recently I've been very involved in the choir, due to the inaugural prayer service.

Yeah I made new friends there like Jefferson, Jonas and Nick Chin and Corey. They are nice people. Yeah I guess I'll just write about that............

sigh I'm running out of stuff to write on this blog. So many things that I have to say are diaryish and that's boring! But oh well. Another time then. Bye!


Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy New Year, guys.

It's been a great 06, but it's over now! ='(

So many things happened last year, eh?

Hope more things happen this year! =)
