LALALA: 07_02

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My Educational Career pt1

I wanted to do this post on Thursday but then I got impatient (and bored) so I decided to do it today. And by the way if I feel bothered I'll add to my posts colours!! Whee.

Okay these are the subjects I'm taking.

chSocial Studies

e = elementary
cs = combined science
ch = combined humanities
E = elective

(the legend just to make it seem cooler)

I have yet to sit for my physics and biology exam which are coming out tomorow and on thursday respectively.

This is what I expected for eMaths:


But in the end I got some crap like:

3^(n+1) = 8^x

No la just kidding I can't remember the exact thing... But you get the idea. In some sums there were more alphabets than numerals. It felt like English. Which was sad because if I don't understand English then my life is over. Thankfully I held together and I did not submit to throwing myself of a flat at 11-storeys. So for those people who want me gone, too bad.

On a happier note, history kinda went okay. You see I was supposed to study at 9 yesterday but my friend asked me to start 15 mins earlier but then I don't really like studying. But to keep my word I studied anyway. In front of the laptop. I love you, laptop. =) But yes, I studied anyway!

There was a whole lot of nonsense inside the textbook. Like President Wilson's 14 points for something. I can't remember. 14 points for treaty-designing I think. I wouldn't know because I only remembered the first point, that being there should be no secret treaties. Clemenceau fails.

Then I remember some like.... page... with a... map... ARGH the memories!!! Okay a map's a map. The thing was, there we tons of words on it. Which made things effectively more difficult. Grr.

I could not remember everything so I continued looking around and I found a lovely page with 4 points! I memorised, them too! And I was so lucky!! The four points came out for the Structured Essay Question! Whee thaaaaanks N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because of this I might actually pass!

yeah okay that's it for now. Good luck to the rest of the guys!


Friday, February 23, 2007

supposed to be 50 but only got 47. oh well.

Okay so I stole this from someplace. And yup here goes!

1. How tall are you barefoot? Er... 167 I think.

2. Have you ever smokedheroin? No.

3. Do you own a gun? toy one ya

4. Who's your best friend? I don't know.

5. Do you get nervous before"meeting the parents"? When I meet then I'll tell you.

6. What do you think of hot dogs? They rock.

7. What's your favorite Christmas song? most of them are fine.

8. What do you prefer todrink in the morning? water

9. Can you do push ups? yes

10. Is your bathroom clean? clean enough =)

11. What's your favoritepiece of jewelry? hmm. i don't know.

12. Do you like painkillers? haven't tried yet

13. What is your secret weapon to lurein the opposite sex? sex bomb!

14. Do you own a knife? not really. it's kinda a family kitchen knife...

15. Do you have A.D.D.? no. but herman does.

16. Middle Name? edmOnd. not edmUnd ar thanks.

17. Name 3 thoughts atthis exact moment? 1.N going for curia? 2.What to write for 3... 3.Social studies gone case.

18. Name the last 3 thingsyou have bought:Food, food, and food.

19. Name 3 drinks youregularly drink:1.Water 2.Water 3. water

20. What time did you wakeup today? 6.15am

22. Current worry? how to talk to M

23. Current hate? No hate lar.... =)

24. Favorite place to be? home i guess.

25. Least favorite placeto be? er. some boring place...

26. Where would you liketo go? meet N

27. Do you own slippers? actually no...

28. What shirt are you wearing? some cheap skate t-shirt.

30. Favorite color(s)? WHITE AND PURPLE!!!

31. Would you be a pirate? the type on the ships like Jack Sparrow? sry no.

32. Last time you had an alcoholicdrink? CNY time...

33. What songs do you singin the shower? all the easy to sing songs.

35. What's in your pocketsright now? nothing

36. Last person that madeyou laugh? royston

37. Best bed sheets you hadas a child? my bedsheets not nice lar...

38. Worst injury you'veever had? cannot remember. thankfully.

40. How many TVs do you own? 3

41. Who is your loudestfriend? yi kai

42. Who is your most silentfriend? joshua

43. Does someone have acrush on you? if only i knew.

44. Do you wish on shootingstars? never see shooting star before. but if i did, yes.

45. What is your favoritebook? harry potter

46. What is your favoritecandy? chocolate. milk chocolate is fine...

47. What song do/did youwant played at your wedding? the common one...

48. What song do you wantplayed at your funeral? Helena. lmao. kidding. =)

49. What were you doing? finding surveys to steal.

50. What was the Firstthing you thought of whenyou woke up? 5 more minutes

here it is!


Monday, February 05, 2007

blahblah (shawnhuangness)

Whee. Okay.

My DotA is seriously deproving. But no worries, I'm not gonna quit!

The only thing I can do is to practice more! Argh, it's so difficult when I can only play during the weekends. Curses. However, I shall perservere! (Perserverance, heh, +4hp regen, 100% mana regen, +7 dmg). See, my theory doesn't fail me yet!

Well on the bright side I'm not the noobiest player in the world. No offence, but I managed to own Shawn Huang! Not much of an achievement, but I managed to win in less than 25 minutes! I'm quite proud of myself for that, I must admit, even if it is against Shawn. I'd like to see you try, Joshua.

So yes Joshua is more pro than me now, dammit, but he won't ALWAYS win me. I can still win sometimes. Maybe like 2/5 of the time? Not too bad lar, considering that he gets to play everyday, while I'm stuck with three days a week. Plus, on those days, I can't play ALL the time. Damn, I really need to go out more, but it's so difficult because of my mother. Grrr. Going out like twice a month is a lot for her. Please lar, most people go out at the very least once a week. Oh well, screw it. What can I do?

Anyway, allow me to talk about the games I played. The 25 minute game rocked, of course. Owning always rocks. My ulti did like 2/3 of his hp lar. Okay okay, I won't brag, but I'll whine and complain why I lost like a small kid. =)

You see, one very easy explanation is that I suck at strength heroes, and Bryan is pro at them. I'd like to see him try playing an intelligence against one of my agility. ("one of my" being, well, the usual. =)) So yeah I got Spiritbreaker. I was like wtf I get this pig and he gets Slardar. To make things worse his partner was King Leoric. Well, fine, Shawn was playing as SK but Farhan and I aren't very good at Dragon Knight and Spiritbreaker. I think.

So yeah basically Bryan was underlevelled at first. I think I got cocky, like I usually do with strength heroes. Damn strength heroes. Damn them. Argh. It infuriates me to go on any further, because I'm childish and I don't like losing. But then again, not many people do, so bite me.

Anyway here are the types of heroes and why I like/dislike them:

Strength heroes: Real BITCHES. For some damn reason, I always feel like my health is damn high when I'm using strength heroes. Like I won't die and can tank a tower at level 11. It's some psychological shit. I'm sure of it. Like "oh I'm a strength I can't die because my regeneration is godlike!". Something like that. Obviously, I don't ACTUALLY think like that, cos it's gay. Well one good example is Slardar, who is hardly a tank. He is obviously more of a hero killer. With skills like Bash, Amplify and that AoE stun thing. Damn I forgot what it's called. Must do research!!!! Anyway it really pisses me off when I'm happily chasing my target into the base and then suddenly I realise that my health is as low as erm. Well my health is low. By the time I try to get out, BAM. I've been killed and the hunter has become the hunted. (Sorry I realllllly wanted to say that for quite some time now.) Well, yeah. Playing strength is a real bitch. Unless it's really a tank, like centaur.

Agility heroes: My favourite. They are oh so easy to play. Like what the hell for AM all you need to do is Blink and Break. For PA all you need to do is Blink and SS. Well, you get the idea. Of course, it's not all fun and games. Your HP and MP is shit, which kinda makes the game not so boring. I mean, You actually have to pay attention. Not like with those damn strength heroes. So yeah, I really enjoy playing with Agility because most of them are fast hitting.

Intelligence heroes: I'm rather neutral about Int heroes, but I must say that to play them effectively an A in eMaths is required. Almost most of the time, you'll be busy calculating numbers like some mathematician dog. "OH, 75% of 300 damage is 225! If only I have calculated properly my spell would have killed you!!!" Most of the time, you end up crying due to some simple miscalculation. Also, intelligence heroes are dependant on items to at least be worth something late game. Meaning, your fingers will be flying all over the keyboard. From skills to items and then back to skills. An example, maybe? For Lina the Slayer, she has to press T D G Num4 T D G. That's like 7 buttons for one combo. Screw that. You still have to freakin aim. Also, you'll have to manage your mana consumption. A real pain in the head, if not a good mental workout.

Of course, that's just my point of view. But then again, it is my blog, so please keep any comments to yourself. Unless you really cannot tahan and wanna screw me upside down for my opinions, then go ahead and scold me in the tag board, since my stupid template has no comments function. If you're lucky you can actually get a reply! =) But talk is cheap, and I'd rather spend my time doing something valuable, like playing/researching DotA, or maybe even having a social life and chatting with my friends on MSN. So good day to you.
