LALALA: Assassination: Part One

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Assassination: Part One

... Since I was so bored I'd like to come up with a court session.

Okay I'm not very good at this so cut me some slack. And well, being able to think of no case better than this one..

But firstly, I'd like to introduce to you those involved in the session:

Mr Tan, Charles -Teh Prosecutor
Mr MBCTF (name to be left anonymous) -The Accused
Mr Roboto, Double Arigato - Defence Attorney
Mr Powers, Austin -The "Victim"
Mr Sng, Bryan -Judge
Various people - The other people so the court doesn't look so empty
Mr Yeo, Benjamin - Clerk ( First time on the job)

Mr Yeo: Er... The Judge has arrived... All rise?

*everyone rises*

Mr Sng: Okay, okay, you may all sit. Now, which case am I presiding today?
Mr Yeo: Er... the one where... Someone tried to assassinate a Mr Powers.
Mr Sng: Okay, right... Let's see where this leads to. Begin.

Mr Tan: Well, okay Your Honour. I'd like to call a young man by the name of Marvin to the stand.

*Marvin proceeds to the stand*

Mr Yeo: Mr Joseph, will you place your right hand on the Bible and do solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
Mr Joseph: Well, yeah.
Mr Tan: Well, Mr Joseph, it is true that you say that the accused, Mr MBCTF, is a very twitchy person?
Mr Roboto: OBJECTION, Your Honour! My clients health defects have nothing to do with the case.
Mr Sng: Oh, just let the man speak!

*Mr Roboto sits down*

Mr Joseph: Well, yes. In the past, I have seen various problems that have been caused by his twitchy-ness. For example, his twitchy-ness has once destroyed a computer. Yes. It is true.
Mr Tan: Oh? Then, would you care to explain HOW his twitchy-ness destroyed a computer?
Mr Joseph: I'd be delighted!! Well, actually, the IT setting up job belongs to Mitchell. However, as usual, MBCTF butted in and well, he must have twitched so much that he accidentally screwed up the wires.
Mr Tan: So you are also willing to say that this particular twitchy-ness is a danger to the lives of people??

Mr Roboto: OBJECTION! I don't see how the destruction of computers have anything to do with the attempted assassination.
Mr Sng: But I do, lame-ass. So shut up and just see where this leads.

*Mr Roboto sits down. His face is more robot-like than ever.*

Mr Joseph:*to himself* Wow this Roboto guy is creepy.
Mr Joseph: Anyway, yes. I do say that this twitchy-ness is actually a danger to many, many people.
Mr Tan: *smiling* Ah, great. Would you say that Mr MBCTF is capable of the charge agaisnt him? Namely, MURDER?!
Mr Joseph: Honestly, no. Most of the time, he is a danger to himself as well as others.
Mr Tan: *cursing* I see... No further questions.

* Mr Tan and Joseph return to their respective seats.*

Mr Roboto: Ooo! My turn! My turn!
Mr Sng: Yeah yeah. Get your ass here and call your first person to the stand.
Mr Roboto *scowling* I'd like to call a witness to the stand. A janitor only known by the name, Teh Janitor.

*Teh Janitor stands up, broom and all, and heads to the stand*

Mr Yeo: Err... Sir, you can leave your... Cleaning materials back at your seat.
Teh Janitor:*threateningly* OR, I can bring them along!
Mr Yeo: Well, yes you can. Teh Janitor, will you place your right hand on -
Mr Sng: Er, let's forget the whole Bible thing, okay? I'm sure we all get the drift. Proceed, Roboto.

Mr Roboto: That's MR Roboto. And well, Teh Janitor, is it true you were at the scene of the attempted crime?
TJ: Ya lah! I was the guy that called the police what.
Mr Roboto: Right. And is it also true it was dark, meaning that it was not possible to see the assassin's face?
TJ: Ya. It was night. Then got black out.
Mr Roboto: So, it is also possible that the assassin was not Mr MBCTF?
TJ: Ya it could have been anyone.
Mr Roboto: So when exactly did you call the police?
TJ: Eh... Oh ya. Even though it was damn dark I could still see a bit la. I saw the assassin take out a knife.
Mr Roboto: So you instantly knew that someone was going to get murdered since he took out a knife?
TJ: Eh... Your questions damn stupid leh. If he's not gonna murder someone, take out knife for what?!
Mr Roboto: I have ONE LAST QUESION, TJ. It is definitely unknown whether or not it was MBCTF, am I right?
TJ: Ya la. How many times you want to say.
Mr Roboto: No further questions.

*TJ smiles sinisterly and both head to their seats.*

Mr Sng: As of now, what we know so far is that Mr MBCTF both could have or couldn't have attempted the assassination.

To Be Continued.

* cool music*

Mr Tan: So you are saying that he DID attempt to kill Mr Powers?

Narrator: The truth starts to unfold...

Mr Roboto: Then WHY do you think he would try to assassinate Mr Powers?

Narrator: More stupid questions are asked...

Mr Sng: Damn it! Is it possible?!

Narrator: More suspense and surprises!

Narrator: Catch Assassination: Part Two

Part Two of the trilogy, only on

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