LALALA: Assassination: Part Two

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Assassination: Part Two

Well, it's part two of this AWESOME trilogy and it's Mr Tan's turn to call someone to the stand.

Mr Tan: I would like to call... *moment of silence* MBCTF to the stand!

*People in the court gasp.*

*Mr MBCTF is shocked, and afraid. He slowly walks to the stand*

Mr Sng: Hey don't take your own sweet time. Are your legs too short or something??
Mr Yeo:*snicker*
Mr Sng: Anyway yeah skip the Bible thing. This court lacks the time. Speaking of time, why the hell am I here? This session is just a waste of my lovely life. I could be like playing DotA or something.

Mr Tan: Well, well, well. Mr MBCTF. You're looking preeety suspicious right about now. With all them short-fartness and whatnot. Alright, let's not dilly-dally. Where were you during the night of the crime?
Mr MBCTF:*whimpering* I was at home... Watching erms... American Idol.
Mr Tan: Oh yeah?! Purgery is a serious crime, Mr MBCTF!

Mr Sng:*very irritated* Ugh! Enough with the objections already! But, anyway, you don't have to shout. We're all just next to each other. But yes, Mr Tan, yes try not to undermine poor lil Mr MBCTF here. He might break down and start twitching.

*from the audience*Mr Joseph: But he's ALWAYS twitching!

*Courtroom erupts in laugher*

Mr Sng:*banging his hammer* Order in the court!

*Laughter slowly dies*

Mr Tan:*clearly unhappy* Fine. Since you say you were at home WATCHING AMERICAN IDOL, who won?!
Mr MBCTF:*tears already flowing from his eyes* Er...*whimper* Katharine?
Mr Tan: LIES! LIES! Anyone with a brain knows that Taylor won!
Mr MBCTF: *starts to smile* He won? Yeah! Oh... wait... crap...
Mr Tan: Crap, indeed, Mr MBCTF, crap indeed. You just exposed yourself! So if you were not at home, where were you? What are you trying to hide?!
Mr MBCTF: I can't remember!!!
Mr Tan: Maybe that's just what you want us to think!!
Mr MBCTF: But... But... I really can't-

Mr Roboto: OBJECT-... oh who cares...
Mr Sng: Now, now Mr Tan, easy on the pressure. He might wet his pants.
Mr Tan:*big grin* Is that so? Anyways, Your Honour, Mr MBCTF is clearly lying! I shall leave it as that so this session would not end so fast.
Mr Sng:*sarcastically* How kind of you.
Mr Tan: No further questions.

Mr Sng: Your turn, Roboto.
Mr Roboto:I'd like to call Mr Powers to the stand.

*being a rich millionaire/computer desginer, members of the court clap instantaneously*

Mr Yeo: Yeah, I know: skip it. But while I'm here, I must say I'm such a huge fan of your creation, the PSP, the Pokémon Stadium Portable.
Mr Sng: Yeah me too! The graphics are awesome.
Mr Powers: Thank you, thank you! *bows*

Mr Roboto: So am I, Mr Powers, so am I!
Mr Powers: Shut up, Son of Satan!
Mr Roboto: Sit down, dammit.

*Mr Powers sits down*

Mr Roboto: So, Mr Powers, you claim you are an honest business man, hoping to spread joy and happiness to Pokémon lovers and haters alike?
Mr Powers: Er, yeah? That's what I said during the press conference at E4 last month right?
Mr Roboto: Oh yeah. Right.

*back at his seat*Mr MBCTF: Damn I hired the wrong lawyer.

Mr Roboto: Then would you care to explain:

*from the advertisement*Then why do you think he would try to assassinate Mr Powers?

A.K.A you?

Mr Powers: Well, I am rich. *Big charming smile*

*All the girls in the courtroom faints*

Mr Powers: Heh gets 'em everytime.
Mr Roboto: So, you are rich, eh? Millionaire eh? What's your point?!

Mr Tan: Objection, your honour. My client has no obligation to answer stupid questions.
Mr Sng: Yeah, good point. Roboto, you had better start asking some sensible questions or I will get you arrested for making a mockery of the court.
Mr Roboto: You can't do that! It's not a crime if I'm stupid.
Mr Sng:*grin* It will be.
Mr Roboto: Anyway, fine. Scratch that last question. So, if you're rich, you think people are gonna cause a black out, march into your office, and attempt to kill you in hopes of becoming a millionaire?
Mr Powers: Well, when I'm dead, the money has to go somewhere. In my will it states ALL my assets will go to charity because I have no children.
Mr Roboto: So you're saying that the assassin would get nothing out of killing you?
Mr Powers: Yup. Well, unless he's in the NKF foundation. The Need Kind Friends foundation. All those lonely suckers in there get to live the high life.
Mr Roboto: *starting to cry*I'm in the NKF!
Mr Yeo: LOL. No surprise.
Mr Sng: It seems that Mr Roboto is now in no condition to continue, it will become Mr Tan's turn.

*Roboto and Mr Powers return to their seats.*

Mr Tan: Ah, yes. I would like to call Mr Power's ever beautiful secretary, Ms Ellen.

*Ms Ellen walks to the stand*

*from the audience*Some Guy: I love you!
Mr Tan: Shut up. *Turning to Mr Sng and winking* She's mine.
Mr Yeo: I'll skip the swearing thing, not to worry.
Mr Tan: Well, Ms Ellen, it is true that you were at the office of Mr Powers during the assassination?
Ms Ellen:*in her really hot voice* Well, I work there, right? So obviously, I'd be there.
Mr Tan: Well, what exactly did you see?

Ms Ellen: Well... this is what I saw...

To Be Continued


Narrator: Sorry guys, for this episode not having everything stated in the previous advertisement. But well, yeah.

Next time:

Mr Tan: So you're saying that...

Narrator: The truth is finally revealed

Mr Roboto: Dammit I quit!

Narrator: Dreams come true!

Mr Yeo: I'll skip it. Yeah I won't forget.

Narrator: Mr Yeo remembers what to do!
Narrator: Only on: Assassinatio: Part Three

Catch the final chapter of the trilogy! Only on



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