LALALA: exam inations

Saturday, October 14, 2006

exam inations

i don't feel like speaking in proper english today, so, yeah you might not see many capitals after fullstops and so on.

anyway this post is completely unrelated to the title. it says examinations but it is in no way fun to talk abt examinations. so i shall talk about dota. im not a pro but anyway lets see. oh yes on wednesday yuan zheng leland and farhan came supposedly to play dota. (dunno how though, only got one com). anyway, leland was first and he chose dwarven sniper. i was like oh ok then WTF he added scatter shot.

he was like oh u need scatter shot cos its aoe and range is not as important. farhan and i were like "right...." but then after his first death at around 5 minutes i took over. but it was already one skill point wasted and my lane partner was kinda useless. after another 5 mins we left the game. who cares la ban just ban la who cares i cant even play battlenet because of umm... reasons.

then we called sean soon then he bullied the shit out of leland and yuan zheng then farhan got angry and went into rage. kinda. he asked for rm and avenged yz and leland. i was like "yay next is my turn" but then sean said he was tired. walaoeh where got such thing. so yeah i convinced him to play custom hero line wars and suddenly his tiredness evaporated. anyway i owned him and i went to play with ben.

fortunately i was losing when joachim called so i was more than happy to call for rm. so bryan and i 2v1ed joachim with our homemade gay combos.(which arent that gay but since we were winning ill just say its gay) usually after about 10-15 mins when bryan and i use combos he will call for rm reason being "i cant farm". poor joachim.

then leland took over and he did some shit and chose naga siren. he was talking abt her proism and how she can net and watnot. ben took over again and chose shanzeldare silkwood. fav hero ah wtf always choose her. suspicious. anyway, they got owned by joachims omnikknight, which was hilarious from time to time. yes, i needed a laugh.

anyway im gonna stop here and do another story post. byees guys.



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