LALALA: hahazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and er oops sorry

Thursday, July 06, 2006

hahazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and er oops sorry

Hello everyone! My name is Charles, as you my know. Welcome to my humble blog. =)

Why am I giving my blog an introduction? Well, I don't know!

Anyway, what I would like to speak of (and most probably criticise) today, is MBCTF's blog.......

FIRSTLY, not saying anything bad about it but it's a friendster blog. Honestly, friendster blogs suck. That's why IMO Ben changed to blogger.

And now I shall talk about the blog. For those who don't understand the stupid nature of his posts, don't worry, I'll translate for you. I have a Degree in emo reading. Now if I may continue...

Okay... His first post. First posts are very important in blogs IMO, but er, who am I to say that? I mean, my first post isn't much to speak of. This is his first paragraph of the first post " 1 step for man":

<<<"Cool... 1st post on 1st blog... i guess i can fit it in for xtra time... (admits that he's bored). Anyway... every thing begins with one single step, and this is my 1st step here. i think its an overstatement anyway cos this isnt that a big thing...">>>

Translated it means: Yo everyone, I HAVE A BLOG. I finally decided to make a blog. But then again, that's nothing to be so hyped up about. But at least I started!!

Explanation: Well, firstly, he is real happy to have a blog. Evidence being "Cool... 1st post on 1st blog". But all of a sudden, HIS ATTITUDE CHANGES! His new blog is just a thing for keeping him entertained. See how confused he is? First he's real excited, then he's like, 'shove it in the waiting list'. Now ain't that just mind-boggling. Then he starts to talk about how he made the effort to actually start a blog. Well, congratulations I suppose.

<<<"EVERYTHING begins with 1 step... even to the bathroom! EVERYTHING wether you like it or not, begins with a single action. From finding your missing sock, to finding true love, from doodling around on your sketchbook, to signing a lifelong contract, it all begins with one step...">>>

Translated: IT IS IMPORTANT TO START DOING STUFF! NO ONE'S GONNA DO IT FOR YOU! Go to the toilet by yourself with no one asking you, find ur missing sock by yourself, find true love by yourself, etc...

Explanation: Uhh... Like I said, he just is reminding us to start doing things because in order to get something done you gotta "take the first step :D:D:D:D:D" yada yada yada. Then he starts using examples. But why? WE GET THE FREAKIN' POINT! So now he tries to do something he learnt in Literature: Contrast. "from doodling around on your sketchbook, to signing a lifelong contract". Oh that's real nice, MBCTF. What kind of lifelong contract we talking about here? He's using another Lit skill: exaggeration.

<<<"Can you think of anything that doesnt begin with anything done, a single breath, a shake of the hand, a word of love, or of hatred? even the gift of life started of with something. If there was something that could be done without that step, that would be also known as, good old nothing.">>>

Translation: Betcha can't think of anything that goes against my point! Like d00d even LIFE started with "the first step". See? CAnnot think of anything right? LAWL. Like if not for that first step there would be no world but nothingness.

Explanation:Right. If you say so. Why do you challenge us? We get your freaking point! So, like enough with the examples. And oh while I'm still speak stop trying to be so deep and actually think before you write something. So now you're saying that we can't do anything without the first step? "If there was something that could be done without that step, that would be also known as, good old nothing". Like dude who cares about step one just skip to step two or something. Okay scratch that argument...

<<<"When you finally find true love, there will never be the same exact moment of someone saying "i love you" for the first time and really meaning it. There will never be that moment of glory in your heart with your first love snuggled in your arms or for the gals, you being held by the one you really cared about, knowing that he cared about you too in the same way for the first time.">>>

Translation: When I find true love, the first time is the most important. Cos otherwise next time it will be like 'been there done that'. And uhh I refuse to speak about the snuggling and whatnot.

Explanation: Is it true the first time is most important? Hell no, I think. Like not many people marry the first person they go out with. So now our gd friend MBCTF here is saying that if you screw your first relationship up, then the next person you go out with is not the one for you. That is a damn short-sighted way of thinking. Speaking of short.................. nevermind.

<<<"So guys out there, please savour your "first" moments. remember your first steps in to anything. Savour the moment of your "first of"s. Dont throw it away so quickly and forget. Because the next time you do it, there will always be that "ive done it before". Remember where and how you started. Understand. ">>>

Translation: Please do not forget your first steps in everything and anything. Otherwise, you'll not like it as much the second of following times. REMEMBER STEP ONE, GEDDIT?!?!?!?!

Explanation: The post has come to a close and he decides to force his philosophy on us. And like, dude your philosophy SUCKS. IIRC, the reason I do stuff the second time is because the first time probably rocked. What you're trying to say is that the second time won't be as fun or interesting. Not true. Like if anyone knew the second time won't be as fun, why go for it again? And er last but not least, he goes all teacher on us and tries to make sure we understood his lesson.

Conclusion: Yes, I know, I only featured one of his posts, but I was getting hungry. I'm a human, dammit. I need nutrition. Well, it's okay, you don't have to stand and clap and all that. This is all part of my job. I hope to try to find the truth behind MBCTF's code. Like the Da Vinci Code, his statements are riddled with trickery, hoping that you would actually believe him, and once you do, the words twist and all you have learnt is the worng thing.

For example: "When you finally find true love, there will never be the same exact moment of someone saying "i love you" for the first time and really meaning it." may sound real innocent and good. Saying that true love is an amazing thing. TRUE. Now here's the booby trapped part: is he trying to say that the first person you meet is your "true love"? No. See how he twists it? He adds in these few words "for the first time" and the whole statement is ruined. Watch out, people.

If you want me to explain other posts, please take a look at MBCTF's blog( and then tell me what post it is you want me to comment on. Come on, people, together, we can destroy MBCTF's evil teachings.

Oh and as a closing note:

SORRY BEN FOR TELLING SEAN SOON ABT HAMACHI. That's the only dude I told actually.

But honestly I don't see what so secretive about it. Almost everyone knows about it.

Oh and er... Rebecca Julia Brown (The School of Rock) is kinda hot. But Ellen's still hotter I'm sure. .... Er..... PEACE OUT?!



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