LALALA: The Prequel: Part One

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Prequel: Part One

Well, I was quite satisfied, so I think I'm gonna do another trilogy of court sessions. Granted, this may or may not be better than the previous saga, but well, it's for my own entertainment, so sit tight!

Storyline: This is the prequel of the "Assassination" series. This took place not long before the events of "Assassination" took place. This series was created so that the hatred between the late Mr Roboto and Mr Sng can be understood, as well as the events that led to the change of cast in "Assassination"

Mr Tan, Charles -Teh Prosecutor
Mr MBCTF -Again, the Accused
Mr Ho, Daryl -Clerk
Mr Sng, Bryan - Judge
Mr Low, Joshua -Victim
Mr Roboto -Defence Attorney

Mr Ho: Yo, people! The Judge is in the house! Stand up y'all!!

*all rise*

Mr Sng: You know, I can get you fired for that. Okay, first things first. Why the hell am I here?
Mr Ho:*the big smile on his face got wiped off* Heh. Apparently, a Mr Joshua Low got assaulted in his own house.

Mr Sng: What the- in his own house?! Poor fool. Anyway er... Mr Tan... Proceed.
Mr Tan: I'd like to call a Mr Benjamin Yeo to the stand.
Mr Sng: A witness?
Mr Tan: Er... maybe? I kinda don't know who else to call.
Mr Ho: That's damn sad, dude.

*Mr Yeo proceeds to the stand*

Mr Ho: Mr Yeo, if you don't mind, would you place your hand on this Bible and swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

Mr Yeo: Yup. Nothing but the truth!
Mr Ho: Er... great.

*takes the Bible and steps back*

Mr Sng: Continue.
Mr Tan: Mr Yeo, is it true that you are a good friend of the victim, Mr Joshua Low?
Mr Yeo: Yup. We're buds!
Mr Tan: Right... Okay, anyway, for the sake of the court, where were you on the night of the crime?
Mr Roboto: Objection, Your Honour. I don't see what Mr Yeo has to do with the case?
Mr Sng: Er... shush for the time being. I don't know where this leads either, but, oh well I'm listening anyway.

*Roboto has nothing to say. He shuts his trap*

Mr Yeo: Well... On the night of the crime I was at the supermarket. Buying groceries.
Mr Ho: Lol.
Mr Sng: Quiet, clerk.
Mr Ho: Make me!
Mr Sng:*fingering the Revolver in his pocket* You're asking for it...
Mr Ho: Damn I sense a disturbance in the Force! Fine I shall stay silent.
Mr Tan: Well, you were buying groceries eh? Where?
Mr Yeo: At Tampines Mall. Near Josh's house.
Mr Roboto: Objection! This still leads nowhere!
Mr Sng:*temper rising...* Please be more patient.
Mr Tan: So, you're saying that it is possible for you to have seen anyone of a particular short height go near Mr Low's house?

Mr Yeo: Er. Yes. Unless he was too short for me to see.
Mr Tan:*taking a glance at Mr MBCTF* That is possible I suppose.
Mr Yeo: I think I would have seen it if someone tried to go to Josh's house. Someone of average height, I mean.
Mr Ho: Laugh out loud!
Mr Sng: Duncha mean, LOL?
Mr Roboto: Objection! He's insulting my client's physique!
Mr Sng: Wow you sure know how to object. I don't see why the Prosecutor should have to be penalized for your client's uniqueness.

Mr Tan: Thank you, Your Honour. Well no more questions.

* Charles and Ben return to their respective seats*

Mr Roboto: Me next Me next!!!
Mr Sng: Yeah yeah.
Mr Roboto: I'd like to call Mr Low to the stand.

To Be Continued



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