LALALA: SAPS Family Fiesta Extravaganza!!!!! ................................

Sunday, November 19, 2006

SAPS Family Fiesta Extravaganza!!!!! ................................

Ok, that name ust sounds retarded. Yet they do not seem to notice.

Anyway, yesterday I went to school early in the morning to go to SAPS but Mr Ng decided to come fasionably late. (literally. He was wearing sungalsses and whatnot). So We waited 15 minutes for him. Then we waited about another 15 mins for the bus... which was I think the same one as the one that brought us to the cemetary during LoM camp.

Anyway we all got into the bus and Steven was tasked to retrieve Donald's cards. Which took about 15 minutes. During that time, however, we were wondering what to play. Then YZ(i think) said BlackJack but Martin said somethings along the lines of "how do we play StevenJack". Racist jokes are not really funny anymore I tell you....

So yeah we played StevenJack a while then I grew sick of it and so I went to listen to the few songs N sent me. So I took out my lame HP earphones since I have neither an iPod nor an MP3.

Anyway once the song I liked the best started, we reached there. Oh well.

Anyway we got out of the bus. The e3 people grouped together as usual. Earlier on the bus Mr Ng stated that he knew not what we were supposed to do there but when reached there and "assembled"... We found out that half of us would sell (almost half) drinks, a few would help out with the Dunking and the rest, 10 of us would have to dress up AS FREAKIN ELMO. WITH HORNS! Since when did Elmo grow horns????

Anyway, everyone who went in the suit came out sweating from head to toe(meaning that there was almost 10 different types of sweat in there), redering the inside of the suit damp. Eventually, the inside of the suit became WET. That was just sick. But, on the outside, outside of the changing room, Elmo was a nice guy. Elmo would go around shaking hands and take picture. YZ went to the extent to petting a baby's head. Haha. However, once he stepped back into the room and took off the suit, he said it was a horrible experience. When I said "what about the children?" He was indiferent. By the way, I managed to avoid my turn =D

I think I achieved that by selling drinks. Which was really fun! The box was so big and the water that chilled the drinks was so COLD. It was difficult to even put my hand in to 5 seconds at first but later I became a pro. Heh ;). So whenever a customer asks for a drink, even if it was in plain view I would say "let me find it for you!" and start digging for cans at the bottom of the box. However, halfway through, my performance hindered because some girl did not know how to open those special kind of cans. The type where you have to pull the tab and then pull the whole tab out... hard to explain. Anyway since she was so young I decided to help her. Apparently, I didn't really know how to open it either. A few minutes after I opened it, i realised that my finger was bleeding. =.=

Anyway after I wiped the blood off, dipping it into the ICE COLD water was painful, yet numbing at the same time. Then we realised that hardly anyone knew Yakult was being sold. So I took the liberty of advertising =D. Whenever someone wanted a drink, I would say "how about a Yakult? It's cheaper and healthier for you!" However only about two customers actually listened and bought Yakults.

Occasionally some customers would like to buy a few at a time. The record was ten I think.

Also, there were a few strange customers. There was this small girl who bought like 4 bottles of Yakult. Then, she came back and bought two more. Then she came back again! And bought another two!... I hope she didn't drink all that by herself... She'd get sick for sure.
Another example was this guy who came asking for apple juice. He wanted normal non-carbonated ones so I gave him one. He left. BUT HE CAME BACK. And asked for the same thing. Then he left. BUT HE CAME BACK AGAIN for the same thing. Then he left. BUT HE CAME BACK and asked for the same thing again!!!! Then he left, and fortunately, he didn't come back because there was no more apple juice.

After this, Leland and I went to search for the others and I found them in the GO counting coupons. So I joined in, as I wanted to go home as I was tired. Wow, they made a few thousand in one day! If only I had that kinda money... Sigh... My Wii problems are over. But even if I DID steal them it would have no more value. The carnival was over. We reached back and school at about 7.45 and I fell asleep on the bus for like 10 minutes. With a neckache =(. I got home by 8plus and ate dinner and........................... PLAYED DOTA!!!!! But only a while la. YZ gtg so fast. I dunno what to do.



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