LALALA: 06_12

Sunday, December 31, 2006

the bleak black darkness of the dark side

My post has no relevance to the title, but since when has there been much relevances? Well there have been, but not many, right?

Yesterday, or two days ago, since it's 1 am, i watched death note 2.

Aiyohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sayu so cute sia. Cuter than Misa. Her boyfriend is a lucky guy!

Okay we played chimology today. It was fine. Mark was really good though. He should become a poet if he ever fails at acting or violin. Bryan was going disney and I was doing V for Vendetta. Oh well, Mark was the only one who actually came up with them himself.

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute Sayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

And oh yeah I'm in the process of suggesting a DotA hero! Comments appreciated!

thanks ah. Byee byeee!


Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry Christmas guys!


Sunday, December 24, 2006



But hello. Had to wake up so early like it was a school day. I reached school at 8.30 and saw quite a few people there already. We slacked for a while till about 9.30 till we had to proceed to the hall to practice the retarded skit. Directed by Mark, of course.

Anyway I was excused to do my course and I dragged Bryan along. If I was going to suffer, someone was gonna suffer with me. >=D

So I made this archway using 3 benches. Quite creative of me heh. ;)

Anyway I would later find out that it would be too dangerous because someone might die trying to limbo through it. So I made this like two table high climb, staircase style of course, and once you climb you're supposed to jump off the table and onto the "landing pad". =D ... which was, of course, made of tables. Just to make it seem safe so the people wouldn't complain, Bryan and I did some tricks with the rafia string and it looked like teh safest course in the world. But after SO much hard work we needed a break. So we went to the heritage room for aircon =)

From there we decided to go to the canteen for a drink then to the hall to pester Mark.

The pestering got boring so we decided to continue with our work. We saw Joshua and Solomon and they tagged along. Solomon wanted the funny "mess up the chairs and let them build a bridge so they can cross to the otherside" thing. So whatever. The last part would be a table long crawl followed by squeezing the entire team onto the table.

End of Part 1

We were quite satisfied with our course and with nothing left to do we went back to the hall. It was the choir's turn to practice so I just sat around. Joshua made the "0" from "06" from "AGR06" with a balloon. It looked so cheap it was funny. The 6 didn't even look like a 6.

Anyway after some time, I found out that it was raining so I would need to RE -DO my entire course in the shade. I was like WTF cos it's heavy work and there was little time. I had to resort to doing a mini course beside the hall all by myself. ='(

Mark, Joshua and Solomon disappeared somehow and Bryan damaged his ankle or something while trying to carry tables. Well at least he tried.

Okay this course was much more dangerous (hehheh) and because of that it got cancelled yay. I'm not sure, was it the WALK OF DEATH, THE VALLEY OF SPIKES, OR THE TUNNEL OF THE UNDEAD that caused it to be cancelled though. It also might have been the ARCH OF LIMBO. Anyway my whole game got cancelled yay =)

End of Part 2

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lazy to continue with part 3.


Friday, December 22, 2006



AGR tomorrow! Must wake up so damn freakin early. And that means............. must sleep damn freakin early too! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Anyway today was so damn tiring. Walaoeh got so many chairs to pile. Heh I made the highest stack =)

Anyway sigh. Hope everything goes well tomorrow!!


Sunday, December 17, 2006

argh dammit. why didn't i listen?!

I should have just listened and watched Ouran High School Host Club a long time ago.

Such a nice show. So touching =D

Tamaki is such a nice person I tell you... And................................................................. Hiruhi is so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^-^

Thank God she's a girl otherwise I'd be gay. I was so relieved at the end of episode 1. Phew phew phew. But I gotta say yuck I hate it when she actually dresses up as a girl (with the long hair and all)... It's so not cute anymore!! Well anyway yeah I'm rather slow so now I'm only at episode 7, the one where they are at the jungle theme park thingy.

I think for the first time the twins didn't act gay as part of the intro. Haha. I'm kinda used to it now actually. But still............. Hiruhi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kk I'll stop about OHSHC now... next topic...

Erm............ shhhhhhhhhhhhh don't spread this but I lost to Joshua at DotA!!!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!! I got too cocky and gave him so many kills. And I actually got killed by the meat tank. It was like .......... the meat was flying and then......... SMACK! Sasori has been killed by The Scourge!


For an excuse to protect my erm.... what's the word............. morale here's an excuse: I have never used Phantom Lancer before! =D

Err.... yeah that's it. That's why I lost..........


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I stole this from Jerome Loh Kay Ming Wenas Fengarella

First I must say bloody hell it was hard to copy this. His damn cursor the arrow not straight. What the hell man.

1.Single,taken or crushing? single! easy life la
2.Are you happy with your life now? no. NEXT YEAR GOT BIO. BIO FTL!
3.When you meet the right person,will you fall for him/her fast? Hehe dunnoz.
4.Have you had your heart broken? nah
5.Do you belive there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable? Yes. Like what Yagami Light did. I hate him though. Bastard. 6.Would you talk to someone back if he/she cheats on you? Why not.
7.Have you talk to another person about marriage before? Yes. Lol it was funny.
8.Do you want children? yup. I wanna name a boy Chaz and a girl Chloe!
9.How many? dunno. see how first ;)
10.Would you consider adoption? not likely.
11.If someone likes you right now,what do you think to let you know how him/her feelings? HONESTLY, i don't understand the question.
12.Do you enjoy getting into relationship? Not now. I have a pact to keep =)
13.Be honest.what did you and your ex did? everything under the sun. if I had an ex.
14.Do you belive in love at the first sight? no.
15.Are you romantic? no. Shouldn't think so.
16.Do you belive you can change someone? I don't know. I think I lack the POWAR to do so.
17.If you could marry somewhere.where would it be? A church prefarably.
18.Do you easily give in when you're fighting? I don't fight =)
19.Do you have any feelings for someone right now? I shouldn't think so.
20.Have you ever wish you could have someone but you messed it up? Nope. I don't think my life so sad.
21.Have you broken a heart? Secret... shh... don't tell anyone but....... no.
22.On the day if your best friend fall in love with he/she that you are deeply in love with.what would you do? Kill my best friend violently and brutally. Then I will take off my specs and wear sunglasses and walk into the sunset stylishly. Iris out and credits. Then the audience will clap and evacuate the theatre, seeing posters of my movie all over the cinema. Then they will think "That was a real good movie!" and I'll feel all happy and such. And treat my other friends to lunch. Or maybe dinner. Whichever they prefer. It would prefer a buffet, with seafood AND western food. Then I'll say "champagne on me!" Then we will be merry. After all it's soon Christmas. =)
23. Are you missing someone right now? Yes. very much =(



Sunday, December 10, 2006

Thank you speechnessification

SINCE I'm such a nice guy blah blah blah... I shall give a thank you speech(not really speech) for my friends that has helped me through this year. AAwwww...... (Family not included)

Thank you, for being my friend, as well as, (in no particular order,)

Sean Quek, for DotA advice and humour

Ignatius, for the humour

Steven, for the humour too

Min Jie, for being kind

Shawn Huang, for his ahem intellect and so on so forth

Donald, for the humour as well as helping me in my studies occasionally

Alexus, for all the kindness this year! Don't forget me once you're all E1............

Yong Sin, for the humour

Sean Soon, for the humour as well as entertaining me by like... ahem Soon Peng

Joachim, for being so freaking funny and for playing DotA with me heheh

Farhan, for Woooo DotA PALZZZZZZZZ UNITED!! And other stuff...

Leland, heheh good friend yeah?

YZ, BUCKLEY! And other stuff..

Joshua, for being gd friend, Legion blah blah

Bryan, for being hilarious, good friend and the usual stuff

Ben, for yeah you get the drift

Adrian, for being cariing lol

N, for being so comforting, understanding, and being there for me always

Jerome, for being a freaking DotA Sensei

Rachel, for being ever so sweet

L, Light, Misa, Near, Mello and the Death Note crew for being in the BEST manga ever

Marvin, for being psycho. (yes we like that about you)

Mark, for screwing up so often! Haha good times....

Dannel, for being the coolest senior EVAR

Sol0mon, well... er nice guy

