LALALA: I stole this from Jerome Loh Kay Ming Wenas Fengarella

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I stole this from Jerome Loh Kay Ming Wenas Fengarella

First I must say bloody hell it was hard to copy this. His damn cursor the arrow not straight. What the hell man.

1.Single,taken or crushing? single! easy life la
2.Are you happy with your life now? no. NEXT YEAR GOT BIO. BIO FTL!
3.When you meet the right person,will you fall for him/her fast? Hehe dunnoz.
4.Have you had your heart broken? nah
5.Do you belive there are circumstances where cheating love is acceptable? Yes. Like what Yagami Light did. I hate him though. Bastard. 6.Would you talk to someone back if he/she cheats on you? Why not.
7.Have you talk to another person about marriage before? Yes. Lol it was funny.
8.Do you want children? yup. I wanna name a boy Chaz and a girl Chloe!
9.How many? dunno. see how first ;)
10.Would you consider adoption? not likely.
11.If someone likes you right now,what do you think to let you know how him/her feelings? HONESTLY, i don't understand the question.
12.Do you enjoy getting into relationship? Not now. I have a pact to keep =)
13.Be honest.what did you and your ex did? everything under the sun. if I had an ex.
14.Do you belive in love at the first sight? no.
15.Are you romantic? no. Shouldn't think so.
16.Do you belive you can change someone? I don't know. I think I lack the POWAR to do so.
17.If you could marry somewhere.where would it be? A church prefarably.
18.Do you easily give in when you're fighting? I don't fight =)
19.Do you have any feelings for someone right now? I shouldn't think so.
20.Have you ever wish you could have someone but you messed it up? Nope. I don't think my life so sad.
21.Have you broken a heart? Secret... shh... don't tell anyone but....... no.
22.On the day if your best friend fall in love with he/she that you are deeply in love with.what would you do? Kill my best friend violently and brutally. Then I will take off my specs and wear sunglasses and walk into the sunset stylishly. Iris out and credits. Then the audience will clap and evacuate the theatre, seeing posters of my movie all over the cinema. Then they will think "That was a real good movie!" and I'll feel all happy and such. And treat my other friends to lunch. Or maybe dinner. Whichever they prefer. It would prefer a buffet, with seafood AND western food. Then I'll say "champagne on me!" Then we will be merry. After all it's soon Christmas. =)
23. Are you missing someone right now? Yes. very much =(




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