LALALA: Story time......... uhh yeah

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Story time......... uhh yeah

This story is completely fictional and anything mentioned in the story is completely original (except for names and locations) and anything relating to fact is completely and definitely coincidental. Names being used are meant for no offense but due to the wide array of names SOMEONE might be named around the world. I am to take no responsibilty for insulting/ offending a person with the name with full knowledge that I had no choice. Anything learnt here that causes trouble in the real world will not be my responsibility. Reading the following story is at your own risk and any accidents happening because of reading this story is not my fault at all. I repeat: I will bear not responsibility for any mishappenings at all. Thank you.

Just kidding la there is no story! =D

I just wrote all that crap for fun!! ^_^

... 2 days till JUS!!!!! HANG IN THERE!!!



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