LALALA: what happened today, 17th april 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

what happened today, 17th april 2007


When I reached school today, I walked to the prayer corner as usual. But if you think of it, it's not really a corner. It's more of a space thingy with chairs that have like pictures against a wall. A corner would be more cornery but there was no sense of cornerisms.

So yes we had the prayer as usual. Benjamin and Joshua didn't come. I knew Benjamin wasn't coming; he was sick since yesterday. Hope he gets well soon. But the Joshua... I knew he wouldn't come la... and speaking of Joshua, the moment I typed the "J", he signed into MSN. Like what the hell. Speak of the devil.

Anyway after prayer I walked with Donald to the Prefect's Assembly area. I felt the earth quake... "Must have been imagining it," I thought, and we continued to the Prefect Assembl area. Then, suddenly, I got to th assembly area and found out the cause of the quake. From it's epicenter there Giap Xuan was doing jumping jacks.

"No surprise," I decided. Weighing over 10000N, it was no wonder that each jump would cause a seismic wave that would ripple outward. I did a little well timed hop at every quake and avoided being knocked off my feet ina literal sense.

Just a little insight into this "Giap Xuan" feller... Yesterday, during IPW, this guy stood up, and after muttering some words only dogs could understand, threw a table out of his way. Like some epic battle scene, but obviously not as epic because in that case Guppy would have been the main character. So anyway using his uber 1337 tossing skills, (probably aided by his large mass and shot-putting[maybe?] in primary school,) the table was flung a few metres away from him. It almost hit me.

I cursed and then lifted him in the air using my Force Choke abilities. Trust me, no one is strong enough to actually lift him. So anyway as I was saying I lifted him in the air using my Force powers but even so, it was very difficult. His neck was so thick it was like a Force Insulation material thing. I, using my Force powers, threw him against the wall and to my surprise (no not really) he was i no pain at all. All his flab had cushioned him against the impact that would have led to his death.

I realised Lightning from my fingertips in an attempt to fry him. (Trust me he wouldn't make a healthy meal.) However, his blubber was like rubber. Rhymes aside, he was unhurt. I lifted the very same table in the air using my powers and flung it at him. "The power of irony," I smirked, "Killing him with the same table he used against me." If this was a movie, it probably would hav done well, earning me millions, but we can't all have things our way.

The table hit him and he cried in terror likea caged beast trying to escape from it's cell. (You know, clawing and all with fangs exposed etc. etc.) It left a rather nasty scar across his face which made him look a bit more handsome in my opinion. However, the table bounced off his cheek fat and was redirected at my face. I now had a scar of my own and to cover it I made a mask that I would wear forever more. I didn't wanna fight anymore so I went back to my seat, and I found everyone clapping and cheering and saying what a mavelous job I did.

Apparently, Guppy was less hurt than I thought. There he was happily doing jumping jacks that would cause the seismic scales and scale of justice to go off balance. I shouted, "stop jumping! You're gonna kill someone!!"

He ignored me.

Uprootin the tree next to me with my powers, I used it as an extremely long baseball bat and swung at him. The moment it came into contact with his acid skin, the tree started to rot and decompose. Fortunately I let go of the tree or else the infection would have spread and I would have lost my life. So anyway I walked forward to mark my attendance. It's good to have a good attendance. I went to my duty post, Kiely Square and walked to the back alley which wasn't really an alley but for the sake of the story it shall become one.

Over there I found three Band members strutting their stuff when they should have been getting ready to sing the National Anthem with the rest of the school.

"In the name of the Galactic Empire, under the order of His Majesty, I hereby place you under arrest." I announced. Immediately they drew their weapons. One had a trumpet, another a clarinet and the last one a tuba.

"Rebels, I sighed," and I drew my Lightsaber from my belt. (School belt, in fact) I activated it and reflected whatever deadly soundwaves they sent at me. I eventually, after doing a few cool stunts here and there, managed to destroy their weapons (they called them "music instruments" lol whatever) and get them arrested. I kicked them into the canal behind and I don't know what happened to them next but I don't really care. I had done the Emperor proud.

I was walking back to actual Kiely Square when suddenly a book fell from the sky. It was black with a high qualiy leather. The type the rich people carry around to look cool. I picked it up and opened it to see it's contents. It was completely empty.

"Wonderful," I thought, "I don't like second hand things." However there were words on it:


Sorry for the patterns I wanted it to look cool but oh well what the hell.

Anyway I was like "cool lol" and picked up the book immediately. I flipped to the next page and I found out that in orderfor someone to die, I had to write the person's full name with the person's face in mind.

After the announcements the classes started to go back to their classrooms. I led them with an Iron Fist and if anyone were to disobey me they would be arrested for open defiancy the punishment for which was death. They all seemed to love lif, apparently.

Then came class 1N1 and there was this fat guy I really detested.

I whipped out my new book with I promptly named the "DeathBook". I wanted to name it Death Note but tha sounded lame and DEATHBOOK sounded way cooler. I flipped to the first blank page of the DeathBook and took a pen. Uncapping the pen, I wrote,


I smiled and later on Mr Pose died with his final words being "LOL I LUV SATAN." I smirked. No one goes against the Sith Lord Charles Vader.

okay end of part one and btw this REALLY HAPPENED.



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