LALALA: 06_11

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Scientific post

Hello everyone! The last time I blogged was hmm 4 days ago? Interesting... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

ANYWAY, I have been doing some experiments on myself and I have found out a few interesting facts that I'm sure none of you know about! However, I am not mean and therefore I will share with you my experiences and knowledge.

Okay, the first thing I found out is that hitting your head against something hurts. Yes, it is true. I happened to find this out when I accidentally hit my head against a metal pole. It will hurt unless you hit yourself lightly. However, it will still hurt a bit. Don't believe me? Try it yourself. Satisfaction NOT guaranteed. Duh. You're hitting your freakin head against a freakin metal pole.

Then next I found out that BLOOD IS RED. Yes, I kid you not. It all happened when I scratched my mosquito bite too much and I started bleeding. First I was like "cool I'm leaking" until I found out a second later that it was in fact blood. Yes, I know these truths are a bit disturbing but fact is fact. Once again, if you don't believe me, you can try it yourself. In fact, you don't need at mosquito bite at all. Let me walk you through this difficult procedure.

Step 1: Find a sharp object. Knife, satay stick, pen and so on will do. No worries.
Step 2: Pick up the object.
Step 3: Stab the object, sharp point first, quickly into your heart. (this ALSO proves, that you are not a vampire)
Step 4: If the pain you are experiencing is ignorable, look downward and see that where you stabbed is leaking RED BLOOD.

Go on, try it yourself!

I also found out that when we CANNOT, repeat CANNOT, walk on water. Sadly, water-walking is impossible for the naked feet. I once thought as you do, you know? "Oh look it is a pool of water! Let me walk ON it so i won't cause big splashes!" Well, ever since that day, I have thought different, "Oh look it is a pool of water! Let me walk THROUGH it CAUSE HUMANS CAN'T WALK ON WATER! ='(" You know, I try not to think about it. The more I do the sadder I feel =(

If you don't believe me you can try it out yourself. Go. Go on. Walk on that puddle of water! Why aren't you walking? Scared?! OH YE OF LITTLE FAITH! WHY DO YOU DOUBT?! =D Let me tell you why. COS PEOPLE CAN'T WALK ON WATER.

Another thing I found out is that humans are not made out of metal. I got bored one day so I decided to try to punch through an iron wall with my bare fists. I was like "this is gonna be so fun! I'm gonna break down an iron wall with just my fists!" So I punched...

And I felt nothing but excruciating pain. I was like, aren't are bones lined with adamantium?! Thankfully, I have a very fast regeneration rate. So I tried to extract my claws (adamantium claws) to cut through the iron wall. But no claws came out. So then (take note of this other point, people) I tried to use my 1337 telekinesis skillz but to no avail. This also proves that humans don't have telekinesis. (Sorry, Psychics around the globe. I DONT BELIEVE YOU) And so then I thought

"Hell, why don't I just teleport to the other side?" I put on my gas mask because everytime I teleport I leave behind black smoke. Unfortunately, I have no teleporting powers either. Take note of that!!

Okay, I hope you all have learnt from my post. I went through a lot of hardship just to give you these facts! No, no you don't have to thank me. Just remember me.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006


was the chili sauce I had today. But yummy. It went together with mussels (sp?).

I ate like 20+ mussels and I still want more. I ate like 30+ pieces of salmon sashimi and I think I've had enough... Really. Hey, actually, I shall go over what I ate today, just for the freakin fun of it.

20+ mussels
30+ salmon sashimi
10- small cha soba thingies
1 bowl of laksa
2/3 popiah
1 dish veg
1/4 bowl mutton soup

hmm i think that's all. Damn should have eaten more mussels. *REGRETREGRET*

Okay enough about food.

ARGH I got put into freakin BIO. Damn the plants are gonna get me. And then... all those.... cells!!! Argh it's too scary to think about it. Then gotta look at all the pictures of all the F'uped diseases (i think??) and uggh..... *shudders*

I think I'm gonna puke during practical. Hmm yeah that would be interesting.

* Day of practical *
*looks around and sees everyone starting to faint one by one. I am shocked so I don't do anything*
Invigilator: CONGRATULATIONS! You passed the test. We were testing to see who was going to slash and who wasn't going to slash his wrists!
Invigilator: Impressive, you're getting full marks! You have just proven that courage is possible even in pressured situations. Bravo.
Me: Screw you.

Yes, that's very likely. Indeed.



TO ME!!!!



Tuesday, November 21, 2006

look what i found!!!!!!

I found this on the internet a while ago and i thought it was pretty funny AND FREAKIN UNTRUE. Unfortunately.

I'm supposed to see what the letters in my name describe me as... Since I've lost much of my life to DotA I'll use my surname too when I think I should be using only my first name..

A- You like to curse alot
B- You like people.
C- You're wild and crazy.
D- You have one of the best personalities ever.
E- Damn good kisser.
F- People adore you.
G- You never let people tell you what to do.
H- You have a very good personality and looks.
I- You have a fine ass
J- Everyone loves you.
K- You are really silly.
L- you live to have fun.
M- one to have fun
N- You are dead sexy.
O- You are one of the best in bed.
P- You are popular with all types of people.
Q- You are a hypocrite.
R- Fuckin Crazy
S- Easy to fall in love with.
T- You're loyal to those you love
U- You really like to chill.
V- You are not judgemental.
W- You are very broad minded.
X- You never let people tell you what to do.
Y- One of the best damn bf/gf anyone one couldaskfor.
Z- Always ready.

C- You're wild and crazy. ( NO I'M NOT! I'm very rational. =))
H- You have a very good personality and looks. (I wish.)
A- You like to curse alot ( CB! NO LA)
R- Fuckin Crazy (same as "C"?)
L- you live to have fun. (If gaming is fun then yes, I agree =D)
E- Damn good kisser. ( Dunno yet, dunno how)
S- Easy to fall in love with. ( I wish! XD)

T- You're loyal to those you love (loyalty FTW!!!)
A- You like to curse alot (.... again....)
N- You are dead sexy. (Nopes.)

... I think it's only like 20% correct la. UNTRUSTWORTHY!!!!!!!! Sadly got no "DotA addict". I would fall nicely into that caetgory.


woot tomorrow my birthday! =D no party haha. EVERYONE GO AWAY! XD

"He who has parties has no life" - er.... me. ........... dotzz... dottie............


Story time......... uhh yeah

This story is completely fictional and anything mentioned in the story is completely original (except for names and locations) and anything relating to fact is completely and definitely coincidental. Names being used are meant for no offense but due to the wide array of names SOMEONE might be named around the world. I am to take no responsibilty for insulting/ offending a person with the name with full knowledge that I had no choice. Anything learnt here that causes trouble in the real world will not be my responsibility. Reading the following story is at your own risk and any accidents happening because of reading this story is not my fault at all. I repeat: I will bear not responsibility for any mishappenings at all. Thank you.

Just kidding la there is no story! =D

I just wrote all that crap for fun!! ^_^

... 2 days till JUS!!!!! HANG IN THERE!!!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

SAPS Family Fiesta Extravaganza!!!!! ................................

Ok, that name ust sounds retarded. Yet they do not seem to notice.

Anyway, yesterday I went to school early in the morning to go to SAPS but Mr Ng decided to come fasionably late. (literally. He was wearing sungalsses and whatnot). So We waited 15 minutes for him. Then we waited about another 15 mins for the bus... which was I think the same one as the one that brought us to the cemetary during LoM camp.

Anyway we all got into the bus and Steven was tasked to retrieve Donald's cards. Which took about 15 minutes. During that time, however, we were wondering what to play. Then YZ(i think) said BlackJack but Martin said somethings along the lines of "how do we play StevenJack". Racist jokes are not really funny anymore I tell you....

So yeah we played StevenJack a while then I grew sick of it and so I went to listen to the few songs N sent me. So I took out my lame HP earphones since I have neither an iPod nor an MP3.

Anyway once the song I liked the best started, we reached there. Oh well.

Anyway we got out of the bus. The e3 people grouped together as usual. Earlier on the bus Mr Ng stated that he knew not what we were supposed to do there but when reached there and "assembled"... We found out that half of us would sell (almost half) drinks, a few would help out with the Dunking and the rest, 10 of us would have to dress up AS FREAKIN ELMO. WITH HORNS! Since when did Elmo grow horns????

Anyway, everyone who went in the suit came out sweating from head to toe(meaning that there was almost 10 different types of sweat in there), redering the inside of the suit damp. Eventually, the inside of the suit became WET. That was just sick. But, on the outside, outside of the changing room, Elmo was a nice guy. Elmo would go around shaking hands and take picture. YZ went to the extent to petting a baby's head. Haha. However, once he stepped back into the room and took off the suit, he said it was a horrible experience. When I said "what about the children?" He was indiferent. By the way, I managed to avoid my turn =D

I think I achieved that by selling drinks. Which was really fun! The box was so big and the water that chilled the drinks was so COLD. It was difficult to even put my hand in to 5 seconds at first but later I became a pro. Heh ;). So whenever a customer asks for a drink, even if it was in plain view I would say "let me find it for you!" and start digging for cans at the bottom of the box. However, halfway through, my performance hindered because some girl did not know how to open those special kind of cans. The type where you have to pull the tab and then pull the whole tab out... hard to explain. Anyway since she was so young I decided to help her. Apparently, I didn't really know how to open it either. A few minutes after I opened it, i realised that my finger was bleeding. =.=

Anyway after I wiped the blood off, dipping it into the ICE COLD water was painful, yet numbing at the same time. Then we realised that hardly anyone knew Yakult was being sold. So I took the liberty of advertising =D. Whenever someone wanted a drink, I would say "how about a Yakult? It's cheaper and healthier for you!" However only about two customers actually listened and bought Yakults.

Occasionally some customers would like to buy a few at a time. The record was ten I think.

Also, there were a few strange customers. There was this small girl who bought like 4 bottles of Yakult. Then, she came back and bought two more. Then she came back again! And bought another two!... I hope she didn't drink all that by herself... She'd get sick for sure.
Another example was this guy who came asking for apple juice. He wanted normal non-carbonated ones so I gave him one. He left. BUT HE CAME BACK. And asked for the same thing. Then he left. BUT HE CAME BACK AGAIN for the same thing. Then he left. BUT HE CAME BACK and asked for the same thing again!!!! Then he left, and fortunately, he didn't come back because there was no more apple juice.

After this, Leland and I went to search for the others and I found them in the GO counting coupons. So I joined in, as I wanted to go home as I was tired. Wow, they made a few thousand in one day! If only I had that kinda money... Sigh... My Wii problems are over. But even if I DID steal them it would have no more value. The carnival was over. We reached back and school at about 7.45 and I fell asleep on the bus for like 10 minutes. With a neckache =(. I got home by 8plus and ate dinner and........................... PLAYED DOTA!!!!! But only a while la. YZ gtg so fast. I dunno what to do.


Friday, November 10, 2006

PLTC 2006

I started my day by bathing and all then my father sent me to school. This was 7 am.

When I got there, I saw many other people already there. Including Joachim. Apparently his guitar thingy got him in. So whatever.

DAMMIT IM LAZY TO WRITE ANYTHING!! I'll still post this however to remind me anyway of the great camp.



Friday, November 03, 2006

Percentages in DotA and what affect them (full of crap just trying to seem professional)

Since I'm addicted to DotA I'm gonna come up with a "percentage to win" post. In this post I'm going to elaborate on chances and how to calculate them. So, if the odds are heavily agaisnt you, back out and don't play. Be a leaver =D Read on if interested. If not interested, then don't read on. Simple as that.

NOTE THAT PERCENTAGES MIGHT EXCEED 100. This simply means that you should win although loss is still possible as DotA is too unpredictable.
First, the format.
First we get the default%.
Second, we get the skill% (does not apply in bnet games)
Thirdly We get the starting money %
(In game)Fourthly we get the hero match%

Anything that happens in the game is unpredictable and should not be taken into account.

Well lets calculate a 1v1 game first of all. At default, the chance to win is 50%. Skill and luck and many other factors affect this.

For example, if the game is AR and you get an Anti-Mage and the loser you're playing with gets a very mana-reliant hero, lets say for example Lich, you have a higher chance to win. However, say you get a ranged and he gets a melee. Say both are agil heroes. Naturally, the ranged would get the upper hand, because of the ability to attack with more ease. However the percentage would not increase as highly when compared to the AM-Lich case, as the melee-ranged thing still requires much more skill in micro. Yes, AM-Lich does still require your skill in micro, but then it makes it a hell of a lot easier.

Considering you're both equally skilled, the percentage will remain at 50%. Let us now take into account the starting money. If the money is equal, then the percentage remains at 50%. However, if your opponent is the host and a retard and puts com on your team, your percentage would decrease. For every com he adds, your percenatage decreases by 10%. Money is important.

Then, here comes the hero match. This again is very important, but it is very difficult to calculate the percentages because of the large number of heroes and combinations. Because this is 1v1 I will give a rough guide. However, like I said before, DotA relies more on skill and experience than just playing. Like an old man once said to a young man," I have eaten more salt than you have rice". But whatever la.
Anyway like I said, a rough guide:(note that this is my guide and is taken from my point of view)

TYPICALLY, I go by scissors paper stone. Strength TYPICALLY beats Intel, Intel TYPICALLY beats Agility, and Agility TYPICALLY beats strength. However, Late or Early gameness affect this. I shall speak more on that later, probably around the 5v5 area.

Anyway, like I said, ranged usually beats melee because MOST of the time, farming and harassing is much easier. For a melee hero to harass you, he would have to run pass the creeps, which would in turn attack him because he aggrovated them by aim at you, and then actually run next to you and attack you, time during which could be spent landing several blows on him. So, for one attack against you, he would 1. take damage from creeps, 2. waste farming time running at you, 3. take more damage than he deals because of the few attacks you can hit him with on his way there and back.

So, for ranged against melee, add 10% to the ranged. Then it gets more complicated. Skills(hero skills) come in. Technically, if you have a skill that counters his directly, for example Spell Shield which defends against spells, and your opponent has spells, then just add 5%, or for others like a silence, which is much harder to place, then add less. 1-4%.

In 2v1,3v1,4v1,5v1 games, we get the defualt percentage first as usual, namely, in 2v1 game, the team with 1 has a 33.3333% chance to win while the one with two has 66.6666%. In 3v1, the team with 1 has 25% and the other team has a 75% chance. Namely, we just divide the percentages among the people. Lets say I'm playing 1v2. The other two are noobs and I can own them easily. So, use the following table below:

Confirm can own: +10% yours -10% them PER APPLICABLE
Might own: +7-9% yours -whatever you added earlier PER APPLICABLE.
Evenly matched: +/- nothing
Might lose: -7-9% yours +whatever you deducted earlier PER APPLICABLE
Confirm die: -10% +10% PER APPLICABLE.

Once again the starting money. For every one more player than you, (assuming you have no coms on your team), add 10%

Also, if you random, add 1%.

And hero match. Well, you get the idea.

Now onto 5v5s.

The default as usual, 50-50. So then it's the skill. Well use the table above.

Starting money is equal, until the randoming comes. For every random on your team +1% and deduct from them 1%. Do the same for them.

Hero match I already explained. Here's another table:

All intel v all intel. Using the SPS tactic, intel vs intel is evenly matched, so we have to check out the skills.

1 AGIL 4 intel V all intel. Using the SPS tactic, the team with all intel WOULD win since intel beats agil. However, typically, intel heroes are early gamers and agils range from mid to late game. So, as the game drags on, team ONE would have the higher percentage. Obviously, in terms of skills, FacelessVoid is later than Clinkz, so typically, his percentage would go up. However, I haven't found out how to calculate so there.

That's the end of my document.
