LALALA: eee so dead

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

eee so dead

I have not, obviously, updated my blog in a long time. Honestly, I could hardly care but since Sylvia so nicely and sweetly asked me to, I shall.

There, however, is one problem! I have nothing to blog about. If I did, it would probably be something about my life like the previous Giap Xuan one. Hehe it was fun writing that. Hmm yes. Thanks for the memories.

So yes, now I'm in a little predicament. What on earth should I write? Yeah, sure, I can be the boring person I am and write stuff like how my day went. Well I'm not saying only boring people do that, but it so happens that my day today was rather boring. Went Toys R Us to (unwillingly) contribute money to an overpriced, seriously overpriced, mind you, water gun. The gun ad three nozzles. So like what the hell did we need such a fancy gun for? It's not like our flamethrower is gonna be that useful anyway! What's it gonna do, start barbeques? I think not. Actually, the flamethrower is supposed to be used for Art! But we are kinda failing at the art part.

Well okay that was a delightful recap, but on to more serious business. Well, not that much more serious, because I'm not a very serious person. Heh heh yay!

Ahh screw it, I can't think of anything, so I'll jsut go talk about school. So, it's now the holidays, so there is no school! I mean, yeah the school is still there of course, there are just no lessons for us to attend! Well there were, like remedials and nonsense (unhelpful nonsense) like that, but I was away in Ipoh so I could not attend any of them! And no letter required. Muaha. Now that's power.

Well then, let me talk about Ipoh! It's a nice place la... Fortunately, I did not get assaulted by mosquitoes like Royston. You could say, I got harrassed by them. Roy said he had like 20+ bites, but I had less than 10. I WIN! Yay.

Okies we stayed at this LaSalle Centre in St Michael's Institution and it was quite a nice place. There were beds, and the bathing conditions were pretty good! Plus, since this was not a Patrician camp, I could bathe in peace, free of the worry of those posers who peek over the partitions. Heh even if they wanted to peek over the partition, they had to be like more than 2 metres tall because the partitions for each cubicle were rather high.

Actually, we spent alot of time indoors, like during sesions and such. However, there were tiems when we went ot to watch a movie, or play LAN (Brother's suggestion) or just eat. On the last day of camp, we went to watch Next, the Nicolas Cage movie. Surprisingly, or rather, unsurprisingly, the cinema was almost completely empty! Other than the 10 of us Singaporeans, there were probably only 5 other viewers in the cinema. This was one of the reasons why the cinema was very cold I guess. The show was quite alright, though I thought it had a rather disappointing ending. I wish they had continued from there. I bet the movie makers were running out of money or something... Maybe the director was Mark Cheong hehheh.

Oh yes, that boy Mark Cheong didn't come with us! I can't remember the reason, but it probably has something to do with either Tennis, Drums, Guitar, Violin, Chinese Tuition, Maths tuition, Cricket or some other thing. Like doing something to his IC. I haven't seen him recently, as well. He didn't even attend Legion camp! Brother, Mark is going astray, Brother... Rumour has it that he's in Malaysia, but why the hell should I believe so? I bet Mark was so despo for friends that he made friends with Rumour and convinced Rumour to spread the "fact" that he was in Malaysia. Despo child.

Hmm Jefferson didn't go as well, but nah it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference. I mean, we have nothing in common with him. He plays neither DotA nor WoW, or anything we talked about. So, I'm not that sad.

Aiyah I'm tired to write more so I guess I'll go eat something. Grr though I think I'm getting fat.



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